Attacks on Freedom by Facebook, Instagram, Google, Wordpress?

Vietnam Sans Frontières
3 min readOct 16, 2018

We are sorry to announce that our Vietnamese-language travel magazine and its pages are ATTACKED once again!

After the first series of attacks in August, our Instagram pages have been restored one week after we released our statement on August 23.

However, our Facebook page and group continue to be victims of another series of attacks until now. We are restricted and blocked from adding new members tto our group. Posts in our group reportedly do not appear any more on the news feed of its members. Our posts were removed as “spam” while they are not spam at all. Our comments on our page are hidden without any reason etc.

Facebook blocked us from adding new members to our group on Facebook

And the website of our travel magazine WWW.HANHTRINH.CO wad ATTACKED yesterday (October 15, 2018).

Links to Goolge Translation of our articles are redirected to a page that has nothing to do with our content.

Who else can do this if he/she does not work at Google?

Google redirected links of our articles to this message

Now, the website cannot be accessed anymore as you might notice. We still access to the website admin’s interface, but we cannot post or do anything.

Our magazine was attacked — October 15, 2018

These repetitive attacks are certainly not Facebook, Google or Wordpress’s errors. Like the first attacks in August, they reportedly came from a number of Vietnamese individuals who work for Facebook, Google and maybe Wordpress team.

We have recorded a lot of IP addresses that regularly accessed to our website Hanh Trinh on these days, on a daily basis. They all came from Facebood headquarters in US and Ireland, from Google’s headquarter and Automatic company (Wordpress) in US.

IP addresses from Facebook, Google, Wordpress recorded on our website

After we blocked these IP addresses, our website was immediately attacked (October 15, 2018).

Our travel magazine, as well as its Facebook pages and groups and our page Instagram @ig_vietnam, belong to Vietnam Sans Frontières — a registered organization based in Paris, France with the aim of preserving Vietnamese culture through photography and cultural initiatives. They serve as independent platforms to connect and give voice to Vietnamese people and Vietnam lovers around the world.

All these attacks are undertaken in an attempt to prevent us from sharing and reaching to our readers.

These ATTACKS are ORGANIZED, TOTALLY ILLEGAL and VIOLATE FUNDAMENTAL HUMAN RIGHTS (freedom of expression, freedom of information).

We have reported these violations to the European Union Committee and will take necessary actions to stop these attacks against our organization and our community.

Follow us on Instagram for more updates:

Other pages of our travel magazine:

