Why “Vietnam Sans Frontières”?

Vietnam Sans Frontières
3 min readFeb 16, 2018
Terraced fields in Sa Pa. Vietnam ©Pixabay

Vietnam Sans Frontières (VSF) is a non-profit organization — the official legal entity of Instagram page @IG_VIETNAM that exists since 2014. VSF was founded in October, 2017in Paris, France with the aims of promoting Vietnam’s culture through books publishing, arts & culture initiatives, and connecting Vietnam lovers around the world.

“Vietnam Sans Frontières” in French means “Vietnam Without Borders”.

Does Vietnam has no borders? No, Vietnam obviously has its geographic boundaries. Then why was this name chosen?

Consequences of globalization have never been so evident as they are nowadays. Much more evident than what we have learned in schools.

We are living in a new world where all geographic boundaries seemingly became blurred. Capital flux, labour flux move freely from place to place, from country to country, from one continent to another. New world orders were formed. New socioeconomic challenges were set for every country. A new generation with new lifestyles and mindsets has emerged in the era of globalization.

“Global citizens”, speaking more than a language, make the world their home, ready to move anywhere to work, study or live. Nomadism became philosophy to many millennials. The world has never been so unified, inter-connected through Internet and social networks.

Vietnamese people are now present all over the world. In recent years, the number of Vietnamese leaving the country to live or work abroad has grown rapidly, reaching hundreds of thousands every year. Migration rate probably have hit record so far and may continue to rise.

This new situation raises a lot of questions. It makes me wonder how this phenomenon would have impacts on lifestyles and cultural identity of Vietnamese people in the future. I believe I am not the only one to have asked myself this question. There are certainly many others who have the same concern, and even have spent time studying it already.

Fishing at dawn. Vietnam ©Quangpraha

In the era of globalization, every country is facing challenges of preserving their cultural identity and social values which were formed, maintained and developed by its people. When people leave massively their country, for “globalization” is an inevitable trend, or for any other social, political, economic reason, what would theỉr cultural values and identity become?

In the whirlwind of globalization, things seem to be swept away, assimilated, even forgotten.

Instagram is a strange world where I found many surprisingly amazing things. I got to explore new lands, interesting people in different countries only with my smartphone without having to go anywhere, I found familiar images of Vietnam every day, as lively as if I’m in Vietnam.

And I realized that a lot of people who love Vietnam and helped me recognize how beautiful this country is are not only our compatriots, but also those who came to visit it for a while. With their talents and their heart, they really made Vietnamese people living abroad like me moved with emotions. We really want to do something to thank them.

That is why VSF was born, to preserve images and cultural values ​​of Vietnam and to connect Vietnam lovers all over the world, through initiatives and projects in photography, arts and culture.

It is truly hoped that you will join VSFIG Vietnam on this new journey and give a hand to bring ideas and projects of VSF to life. All for the longevity of a nation.

When you really care, where you are is no longer important. There are no boundaries that can refrain you from loving your home country, as you are always a part of it, in one way or another.

Lea Nguyen

Managing Editor


