Five Bad Habits That Are Actually Good For You: Health Benefits

Vikram Singh Bisen
Published in
4 min readDec 6, 2019
Bad habits reference image

Most probably you would have a bad habit you don’t like and can’t get rid of that. Maybe your parents in childhood pointed you every time to quit these bad manners, but either you ignored them or failed to give up and now become user-to.

Don’t worry, all bad habits are not harmful. As per the research and studies, many of them are beneficial for your health.

So, in the context of the same, we have brought the list of such shameful habits and how they are good for your body.

5 Bad Habits That Are Good For Your Body

#1 Biting Your Nails

Biting your nails is one of the very common bad habits you can notice among many people around you. Though, while biting nails, dirt goes directly into your stomach can be harmful, as it may contain germs due to exposure of your fingers.

But as per the research and studies, biting your nails can actually build up immunities, which is actually a good thing for your health.

Actually, your body also registers the bacteria in its memory bank, so if such bacteria are encountered the second time, you’ll already have the lymphocytes that are able to beat it.

#2 Spitting Frequently

It is also one of the most disgusting practices you accumulate your saliva and spit publicly at various places or may sometimes where you shouldn’t do. People chewing tobacco products usually have such habits can’t resist without that.

Actually, when we breathe through our nose it warms up the air and makes it more humid, allowing the body to absorb oxygen more efficiently.

And while running or doing athlete tasks, we tend to breathe through our mouth and this causes it to produce more saliva that interferes with our breathing patterns. Hence, it is necessary to spit and get rid of the excess mucus from the mouth.

#3 Farting Very Often

This awful habit you would have most probably noticed in your adults especially old age people who never hesitate to fart loudly amid many people. If you have this habit and can’t control this, don’t worry, find out why farting is necessary.

Do you know in a day your body releases gas about 14 times and about 3–5 times when you sleep?

Actually, after six hours of taking meals, our digestive tract starts producing the carbon dioxide and methane that should be released. If you try to hold this you can face abdominal pain or bloating and acidity related problems.

#4 Eating Your Boogers

This is one of the most disgusting habits especially found in kids. Yes, how does it feels when you pick out a piece of dried nasal mucus and put it into your mouth. But according to science eating, boogers also have some benefits.

Actually, it helps boost your immune system as the snot you eat enriched with salivary mucins that can fight cavity-causing bacteria.

And every time when you eat boogers you trigger your immune system to release the white blood cells into your body that helps your body to defend itself against the harmful bacteria.

#5 Peeing While Bathing

It is very awkward speaking about such things, but it is also one of the unknown habits people do while taking the bath.

Though, people do not do it regularly, but as per the researchers, almost 75% of people have done it at least once in their lifetime.

If you do this, don’t get ashamed, as your urine contains uric acid and ammonia and when you pee, it passes through your thighs, legs and toes preventing the skin from fungal infections.

Another advantage of peeing while bathing is that you could save water bill and toilet paper used every time while such excretion.

Maybe such bad habits benefit your body but it sounds disgusting especially when others notice you and point outs what you are doing. So, to stay healthy it’s better to do some workouts or regular exercise to maintain your fitness level.

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Vikram Singh Bisen

Content Writer | Stock Market Analyst | Author & News Editor at The Telegraph Daily