How Does AI Detect Cancer in Lung Skin Prostate Breast and Ovary?

Vikram Singh Bisen
Published in
5 min readJun 13, 2019

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is really changing the world, especially in the field of healthcare and medical treatments where it can easily detect several deadly diseases like cancer and tumors at the initial stage of development with more accuracy compare to doctors.

Recently, Google has developed an AI model that can predict lung cancer from screening tests even better than human radiologists having an average of eight years of experience.

AI-enabled such screening machines are now used at hospitals to diagnosis the different types of cancers and do you want to know how does AI detect cancer of different types.

How Does AI Detect Cancer?

Actually, AI-enabled models are developed with the help of a huge amount of healthcare training data in the form of medical imaging like X-Rays, CT Scan, MRI or other kinds of annotated reports.

All these images showing the symptoms of cancer are feed into a machine learning algorithm to learn the patterns showing the early sign of cancer development and predict the chances of having this deadly disease in the future.

AI in Lung Cancer Screening

As per the WHO, lung cancer is the most common form of cancer across the world with 1.76 million deaths every year. An AI-oriented deep-learning system uses an algorithm and three-dimensional or 3D technology to examine the CT scans and generate the overall lung cancer malignancy prediction and identify subtle malignant tissue in the lungs.

While on the other hand, radiologists typically look through hundreds of 2D images within a single CT scan and cancer can be miniscule and hard to spot.

But as per Google’s lung cancer detection model can factor information from previous scans, that can predict lung cancer risk because the growth rate of suspicious lung nodules can be indicative of malignancy. The more data is used in AI model training the accuracy would be higher.

How AI Detecting Skin Cancer?

Just like other cancers, AI can detect skin cancer accurately with day-by-day better deep learning model development improvements.

Deep learning AI uses the pre-existing codified datasets in the form of images of malignant melanomas to detect skin cancers and moles and indicated the diagnosis for each image just like a dermatologist.

In most of the cases now the dermatologists were only 86.6% accurate at diagnosing skin cancer, while the AI-enabled computer can diagnose issues with a 95% accuracy. And the accuracy of prediction will improve if machine learning algorithms get precisely marked images through professional data annotation service providers.

AI in Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Breast cancer, one of the most common cancers among women is also getting amazing results from AI-enabled technologies.

As per the team of researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology developed an AI-based deep-learning model can predict a woman’s breast-cancer risk up to five years in advance.

In AI breast cancer detection, deep learning model can identify patterns in mammograms from thousands of annotated images driving the future cancer growth.

AI Models can easily detect patterns that represent the influence of genetics, hormones, pregnancy, lactation, diet, weight loss, and weight gain which too subtle for the human eye to detect.

AI in breast cancer treatment is becoming successful with more accurate data sets and algorithm learned the subtle patterns in breast tissue that are precursors to malignant tumors. And now Google AI can detect breast cancer better than radiologists.

AI in Prostate Cancer Diagnosis

Affects 1 in 9, Prostate Cancer is one of the most common cancers among the men can be also now detected with the help of AI-enabled machines.

AI can detect prostate cancer by analyzing the MRI scans of men having prostate cancer that are fed into the system with deep learning or machine learning algorithms learning to assess and classify tumors.

AI stops prostate cancer by diagnosing the causes and helps doctors to take preventive measures and provide timely treatments.

Radiologists using the medical images can detect such disease but the use of AI in radiology is giving the healthcare sector a new dimension by comparing and analyzing the millions of similar images before predicting the prostate cancer to make sure the accuracy level should be acceptable.

AI in Ovarian Cancer Diagnosis

Ovarian cancer is one the sixth most common cancer among the women worldwide which usually affects women after the menopause or those with a family history of the disease.

During research in the UK, AI technology used to carefully identify and track the shape of about 150 million different cells in total found within the patients.

The AI-enabled system can scan the shape and content of the cells within the tumor or primarily focused on the nuclei and discovered some anomalies found the nuclei of cells are round, or a bit oblong revealing there were “small patches with misshapen nuclei” in some of the ovarian tumor samples facilitating doctors provide timely treatments.

AI in healthcare is playing a decisive role, especially in detecting such life-threatening diseases at the early stage of development allowing patients to get the timely treatments and recover without any risk.

Further, with the more improvement in AI-enabled machine learning model development process and availability of quality training data will help machines detect such diseases with more accuracy and at faster speed.

This article was originally submitted at

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Vikram Singh Bisen

Content Writer | Stock Market Analyst | Author & News Editor at The Telegraph Daily