How To Improve Web Designing Skills - Five Web Design Techniques

Vikram Singh Bisen
Published in
3 min readAug 3, 2019

A website is an online gateway for a company to share various things among customers or audiences. Images and pictures are playing an important role in presenting information among the audience with the option to further share through different platforms.

A home page image or products pictures all can influence the site visitors and encourage them to utilise the services.

Web designing is one of the most essential elements of web development and application development process. Innovative web design ideas are directly related to creativity and art to depict the company’s organizational behavior, its products, services and work environment.

Catered with innovative web tools and innovative imaging techniques, this service can be improved with the following tips to enhance its importance and use in various online projects.

Five Techniques to Improve Designing Skills

Choose the Right Color Combination

Use the combination of solid and reflective colors simultaneously as per the website logo and business profile of the company. You can try neutral colors palettes to show the elegance and modernisation with a holistic approach to entice visitors and turn them into a customer.

Perfect Fonts and Texts Sizes

Too large or too small fonts are not suitable from the look and feel angle, hence choose the right font size and designs for better visibility on various web platforms or web browsers.

The color of fonts should be ideally black, light or white with dark backgrounds and white font is best on dark shades to reflect the scripts on different devices like desktop, tablets and smartphones etc.

Avoid Flash and HD Images

To run a flash image all devices need additional plug-in and few devices not support or not compatible with that. Though, flash images change randomly but take time for loading.

And, high-resolution images have best picture clarity but are too heavy in size. Use of Flash or HD images will increase the load time and also slow down the speed of the whole website.

Buy Professional Images

Use of cheap and freely available images on the web can spoil website ranking, as they are visibly not good in quality and might also be used by someone else in similar projects.

Hence, investing money in professional photography will improve the image of the website among the audience. And such professional images are created exclusively and sold individually as per the demand.

Create Responsive Designs

From the digital marketing perspective web designs have many attributes, but the main aspect is that it should be responsive for a website and its user-interface so that visitors can open it in different browsers.

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A website or image taking too much time to reload can irritate visitors and will increase the bounce rate of a website which directly affects the page rank of the whole website on leading search engines.

Hope these web design techniques will help designers especially to newcomers in the industry to create few innovative designs and make a space in this industry for better opportunities to show their skills.

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Vikram Singh Bisen

Content Writer | Stock Market Analyst | Author & News Editor at The Telegraph Daily