How to Solve The Biggest Common Problems in Software Development?

Vikram Singh Bisen
Published in
4 min readDec 19, 2019
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Developing something new can have many issues either it is a new website or a software application, all need time and efforts with a technology to create a unique and functional application as per the needs and budget.

As we all know during software development, lots of issues come in front of developers and its users.

But most of the biggest problems of software developments can be addressed with the feasible solutions for benefiting both the entities.

Here, we brought a few ideas to solve common software development problems.

Collecting Actual Requirements

The foremost problem with software development projects is the acquisition of actual requirements of clients. Before initiating the development process developer team must have the definite requirements of the clients to ensure the project’s successful delivery.

Many times a client doesn’t know what he exactly wants and how much there is scope to meet such requirements. Only a developer knows this better.

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Hence, to deal with such problems, a relevant person should be in charge to gather all the information in written format with the approval or signature of the client prior to starting the project.

No doubt it will take time but will minimize time and efforts at a later stage of web development services.

Project Scheduling and Costing

The improper scheduling or allocation of time for each task exceeds the deadlines of project delivery time. And there are many reasons for improper scheduling of project execution and delivery.

Assign a specified time to the project manager to complete a particular task within the specified time limits. And because of budgeted projects, it also takes time to maintain the costing as per the client’s budget.

But, control on scheduling and costing can be done with the help to proper task management and timely updates from the developers at every stage of project development making the project cost-effective with timely delivery.

Collaborative Communication

During the software development process, the communication between clients and the project development team is very important to understand the actual requirements and its implementation at a practical level.

The communication process can be followed by either meetings, documentation, brainstorming or web-based communication or anything that can be easily accessible to all.

Hence, a collaborative communication process between clients, developers, and designers will reduce the errors and help to deliver projects at a scheduled time.

Development and Testing

Development is also a critical process for the developers, as insufficient information, costing and time limits, all these aspects affect the development process.

Add-ons or minor changes in features during the development stage can disturb the cost and schedule of project delivery. And after the development, testing is also one of the most important stages of software development.

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Though, it takes time and involves an extra cost to carry out the entire process but without this, it is very difficult to identify the real-time issues arise at the time of use of the software.

Thus, to, make it easier and productive, start testing at an early stage with end-users and fix the problems or necessary changes at the same time to avoid major modifications requited by the clients at a later stage affecting the existing projects.

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Vikram Singh Bisen

Content Writer | Stock Market Analyst | Author & News Editor at The Telegraph Daily