Why Is It Important To Brush Your Teeth At Night: Health Benefits

Vikram Singh Bisen
Published in
4 min readDec 13, 2019
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Our mouth consumes varied foods throughout the day, and you need to clean it to avoid cavity attracted due to food consumption.

I know you brush your teeth every morning to clean your mouth but is it enough for your teeth. Yes, merely brushing your teeth every morning is not enough to prevent your teeth from cavity, you have to do it again before falling asleep.

Brushing your teeth at night before sleep is more important than morning. And here we will discuss the importance of brushing teeth at night and why brushing teeth at night is more important than in the morning.

Why Brushing Teeth at Night is More Important?

Actually, during the entire day, the foods you eat leave certain particles and debris in your teeth that feed bacteria.

And if you do not brush your teeth before sleeping, you allow the plaque to grow and mature at faster speed overnight.

However, our saliva in the mouth acts as natural defense as it has anti-bacterial properties that neutralizes the acid level in your mouth that washes away food.

But in sleep saliva production decrease at the night allowing plaque to generate bacteria attacking your tooth enamel. So, it’s necessary to remove them before sleep.

Three Benefits of Brushing Teeth at Night

Minimize the Acid Build Up

Your mouth consistently build-up acid but saliva keeps neutralize the acid with the presence of calcium.

However, during the night time, as the saliva production is low, the acid level increases allowing bacteria to start eating your teeth.

But, brushing your teeth at night maintains the saliva level in the mouth due to fluoride present your toothpaste which helps your teeth from getting damaged. Hence, visit your dentist often clean your teeth to remove cavity from teeth.

Cut Down Bacteria Breeding

The most important, brushing teeth at night advantages is saliva reduces the bacteria growth in the mouth. So, keep brushing at night before going to bed to keep the secretion level of bacteria in your mouth intact at minimum level.

Actually, bacteria are the real cause of cavity into teeth but you can stop cavity from getting worse naturally to avoid such problems. So, its better keep brushing regularly, especially at nights and keep cavity away from your mouth.

Remove Stuck Food Particles

This is another one of the most important benefits of brushing your teeth at night, that I have also realized. Actually, when you eat high fiber foods, tiny particles stuck in your mouth.

If it stays there overnight attracts bacteria causing a cavity. So, it’s better to brush your teeth properly at night and cleans your teeth from cavity.

If you do not brush your teeth regularly, you can face major problems in your later stage of life. And the situation becomes critical, you have to visit at best dentist in New York to get the more critical treatments like removing your tooth permanently.

And if you want to prevent your tooth you have to go through root canal treatment but should also need to know the side-effects of root canal treatment to avoid health problems and save your money on such expansive treatments.

This story was originally featured on www.vsinghbisen.com

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Vikram Singh Bisen

Content Writer | Stock Market Analyst | Author & News Editor at The Telegraph Daily