5 Haiku About Magic

Inspired by Twitter’s #magic prompt

Nikos Skordilis
Published in
2 min readDec 6, 2022


Illustration of a fairy being attracted by a Christmas sweet.
Image by Willgard Krause from Pixabay

For those who believe
magic exists everywhere
it has always done


Black & white photo of an Asian boy on a bicycle smiling.
Image by Vinh Tran from Pixabay

A heart of a child
gives you eyes full of magic
with them you can see


Illustration of a magical creature of the forest.
Image by Alana Jordan from Pixabay

Magic in the air
everything looked glorious
the air had sparkles


A mountain full of ice reflected on a lake.
Image by Alana Jordan from Pixabay (resized by author)



Nikos Skordilis

Curious creator trying to gain a more beautiful mind and a lighter heart via his words and images.