Seven Deadly Sins — Envy

My take on the seven deadly sins

Nikos Skordilis
Published in
2 min readJan 17, 2023


A man looking over a fence with an envious expression, seemingly toward their neighbor.
Gerald eyeing the car of his neighbor. Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Gerald’s neighbor got a new car. The new Corvette E-Ray, the first hybrid Corvette. He is a medical director of a posh private hospital.

Gerald is a plumber. He makes pretty good money -plumbers are always in demand- but he hates his job. He’s sick of cleaning up crap all day.

The fires of envy gripped Gerald’s heart like a vice. One day he collected excrement from a clogged toilet and late at night he smeared it all over his neighbor’s E-Ray.

The doc snapped, while Gerald watched with glee. He had to take a cab that day.

note: Thomas Aquinas writes in Summa Theologica that envy has three stages. During the first stage, the envious person attempts to lower someone’s reputation.

In stage two, the envious person receives either ‘joy at their misfortune’ -if he succeeds in defaming them- or ‘grief at their prosperity’ -if he fails. The third stage is hatred because ‘sorrow causes hatred.’

I hope you enjoyed my sixth deadly sin story. The final sin, Pride, will be published tomorrow. You can read all of them and other stories and poems up to 100 words here. You may



Nikos Skordilis

Curious Top 0.1% content creator trying to gain a more beautiful mind and a lighter heart via his words and visuals.