Ten 10-word Stories

Nikos Skordilis


Drawn by author using Krita 5, License: CC BY 4.0

note: This is a new writing challenge started by Sheri Jacobs in this post of hers. I believe the title says it all. She challenged us to write one 10-word story but I’m going to write ten; I like concise and succinct posts but not that concise and succinct. So, without further ado:

#1 A German walks into a bar. He never walks out.

#2 Vampire Lestad targeted the princess. Alas, her fangs bit deeper.

#3 The lovers eloped. But it was harder than they hoped.

#4 The two armies prepared for battle. The order never came.

#5 To drink coffee or Atropa belladonna? That is the question.

#6 “The police arrived Tom.” “They are here for you Sharon.”

#7 Inspector Ono was dumbfounded. His crime scene made no sense.

#8 He slipped on his pride and fell on his honor.

#9 Whoever moves is dead! This is a cat-maid cafe robbery!

#10 She was dumb as a stump but a Perfect 10.

I challenge (for one 10-word story or however you want) the following 20 wordweavers:

-cassandra David Perlmutter Thief Benighted Lee David Tyrrell Walter Bowne Katemiya Brian Lageose Inna Orjola



Nikos Skordilis

Curious Top 0.1% content creator trying to gain a more beautiful mind and a lighter heart via his words and visuals.