Software rots if left alone

Published in
2 min readOct 26, 2023

recompiling an app…

Just a short note. I am working on writing up some notes for my first major SwiftUI app, last compiled in 2021. To be able to do that properly, have to recompile it and run it in the simulator. Xcode and SwiftUI have moved on, of course, from 2021, so, ready for anything.

And on top of that, running on an M1, not on the Intel machines the code was initially compiled with.

The pod install worked okay. That worried me because it’s using a dylib built by a third party that was constantly unstable while we were using it. No problems, though. It built and ran fine.

I had to change all the deployment versions for iOS in the Build Settings for the pods, but that was expected. From 10.0 to 17.0 for the most part. (I’m not big on N-1 for private testing.)

Once I started compiling, there were a couple of differences I had to catch. One was that I had to open the Xcode project package and change some hard coded paths depending on the user name on a different machine; the paths point to the localizable strings.

Another problem was that the sandbox flag in build settings has to be set to NO. So, don’t do that, Xcode!

Once I chased down these bugs, then ran it against the simulator, I ran into another dialog I’d never seen — I was building for wrong architecture, would you like to use the Rosetta simulator? Ahh, the M1, right. I said yes, and the app built, then crashed immediately.

After that first compile, however, the app built and ran fine.




Writes iOS apps in Swift and stories in American English.