Reducing app deployment costs by 70% — Cheer App

Discover how VKube helped Cheer develop a cost-effective, engaging application

V Systems
V Systems
5 min readMay 23, 2024


Cheer App is a social application for young users based in Hong Kong and Macau. As the Cheer team was looking for cost-effective development services to build a light mobile application, the company contacted V Systems to explore VKube, the newest tool on the V Systems chain.

VKube is a Kubernetes-based container service for developers and enterprises to run containerized applications on the cloud. Our VKube developers have assisted the Cheer team in deploying and developing the Cheer app for iOS and Android while providing continuous maintenance on the VKube dashboard.

The result: Affordable and efficient services

  • Cost-effective deployment — Over 70% more convenient than the market average
  • Flexible mobile architecture — Suitable for scalable apps
  • Ultra-light mobile app bundle — Improved user experience
  • Free persistent storage — Convenient data recovery

About Cheer App

Cheer App is a mobile social application designed for young users — based in Hong Kong and Macau — to interact and have fun by completing gamified tasks and participating in engaging campaigns. Targeting Hong Kong and Macau audiences, Cheer App is available for iOS and Android.

Given the target age group and the purpose of the app, the Cheer team wanted to prioritize cost-effectiveness, managed services, and a light app architecture.

  • Cost-effectiveness
    The Cheer team was looking to minimize development costs while achieving and maintaining an optimal user experience.
  • Dedicated managed services
    Given the limited manpower available at Cheer, the company needed expert help to take over the development of the application.
  • Light, flexible app architecture
    To cater to young audiences, and given the nature of the app, the Cheer team aimed to prioritize light app bundles that are both fast to download and easy to maintain.

VKube x Cheer App

V Systems, through its dedicated VKube team, addressed the priorities set by the Cheer team and offered an optimal solution to their needs.

Cost-effective deployment

The Cheer team benefitted from VKube’s highly competitive prices for developing and maintaining the application.

VKube offers five different deployment packages based on the Resource Units provided. Resource Units are calculated as n Resource Unit = n Gi of memory + 8 Gi of persistent storage. Based on needs, VKube offers the following packages: 1 Resource Unit; 2 Resource Units; 4 Resource Units; 8 Resource Units; and 16 Resource Units.

As the team selected the 8-Resource-Units package, it cost Cheer only 14.88 USD monthly to run the database container needed to operate the Cheer application. The price is considerably more convenient than competitor platforms, with an estimated price cut of ca. 70%.

Flexible mobile architecture

Our dedicated VKube team played a crucial role in assisting Cheer in deploying essential services for their game.

  • Back-end service
    The first service the team deployed is the Cheer app’s back-end service, which is responsible for enabling the app’s functionalities and facilitating interactions between users. Ultimately, it ensures seamless gameplay experiences and allows users to engage with one another.
  • Database service, with persistent storage
    In addition to the back-end service, the team also deployed a database service for the Cheer app. It works as a repository service node for storing the app information, further leveraging VKube’s free persistent storage option. By selecting Persistent Storage, the team could make sure that, regardless of the duration of the containers, data can be retrieved at any point in time before the containers’ expiry date.

The deployment of both the back-end service and the database service by our VKube team enabled Cheer to create a robust and reliable app infrastructure. This efficient deployment of services not only enhanced the overall user experience but also contributed to the stability and scalability of the game, ensuring that it could accommodate a growing user base without compromising performance.

Ultra-light mobile app bundle

VKube’s containerization allows for a modular and scalable approach, enabling efficient deployment and management of the app components. Our VKube developers were able to streamline the process of designing and integrating the app framework into both the application back-end and its functionalities. As a result, the team built a lightweight bundle that could be easily uploaded to both the Apple Store and the Google Store.

The limited size of the app bundle had numerous advantages, in particular for targeting young audiences who predominantly use mobile devices. With VKube’s containerization, the app was optimized for minimal storage space and fast download speeds, ensuring a seamless user experience.

Furthermore, VKube’s technology helped address the common issue of heavy and buggy apps that often frustrate users. This not only enhanced the overall user experience but also minimized the risk of young audiences becoming easily discouraged or disinterested in the game.

About V Systems

V Systems (VSYS) is an open-source network that supports decentralized applications’ efficient and agile development. It is designed for real-world use cases, making it possible to create, send, trade, and track tangible or intangible assets in a digital form. VSYS can handle millions of transactions daily and it runs on a decentralized, open network.

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