Staking 2.0: Scaling the V Systems Ecosystem

V Systems
V Systems
Published in
3 min readApr 9, 2020

V Systems takes great pride in our ecosystem of high-quality interlinked projects. Staking 2.0 is the formalization of the link between V Systems and the wider ecosystem, allowing projects to release a portion of their token supply through our staking mechanism. With Staking 2.0, our ecosystem projects can expand their community to “everyone staking VSYS” by distributing their token to all V Systems stakers.

Since Tachyon has already launched and uses of Staking 2.0 vary on a per-project basis, let’s examine how Staking 2.0 works in Tachyon’s case.

Staking 2.0 On Tachyon:

  • Tachyon’s IPX token has a total supply of 1,000,000,000
  • The Tachyon team chose to distribute 100,000,000 IPX (10% of the total IPX supply) via staking 2.0
  • The 100,000,000 IPX will be distributed to VSYS stakers over the next two years, which works out to 136,986 IPX per day.
  • Users do not need to change anything. If they are staking VSYS, they will begin to receive IPX in addition to VSYS when their supernode pays them, no changes needed.
  • IPX is distributed in proportion to the user’s VSYS stake. Just like a VSYS user with 1% of the total amount staked on the blockchain would receive 1% of the blockchain’s daily VSYS emissions (minus supernode fees) that same user would receive 1% of of IPX’s daily emissions (minus supernode fees)

Why Staking 2.0?

Airdrops have largely failed to achieve their goals: adoption and community growth. People don’t value things that come for free and tend to liquidate airdrops quickly, causing the project behind the airdrop to suffer. Projects have good reason for wanting a distribution mechanism that allows them to build an engaged user community, and surely one way to do that is to directly incentivize the users. Staking 2.0 directly incentivizes and engages users without giving anything away for free.

  • Ecosystem tokens distributed through Staking 2.0 are earned by users who help to secure the V Systems blockchain.
  • Tokens are distributed automatically and fairly based on how much VSYS users have staked.
  • Users are incentivized to stick around and get to know the community because tokens are distributed over time.

V Systems stakers will eventually get many different VSYS ecosystem project tokens through Staking 2.0. VSYS stakeholders will share the value created by our ecosystem projects and feel encouraged to learn more about each of them.

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