Weekly Report 2019 July #3

V Systems
V Systems
Published in
4 min readJul 19, 2019

In this weekly report (3rd Week of July 2019): VSYS has entered the top 30 cryptocurrencies on CoinMarketCap. VSYS is now available on both Blockfolio Signal and Delta Direct to stay connected with the community. VSYS has officially been promoted to the KuCoin Plus Trading Area . Please read the full report below.

1. VSYS Blockchain Development

Smart Contract Development

In the first version of the VSYS smart contracts, we will introduce several features including issuing, transferring, and destroying tokens, which will allow VSYS users to create their own token economy, bringing like-minded communities together. The first implementation of VSYS Smart Contracts is currently being tested in the Testnet. However, design discussions are currently underway for some new features of the VSYS Smart Contracts, adding new low level functionalities.

SDK Development

SDK development for main chain is continuing, the Java, Go and C# version is ready to use, while the Javascript version is currently in progress.

Wallet Support

Trezor wallet integration has started, once completed, VSYS users will be able to store their coins on the Trezor hardware wallet.

2. Global Community

Blockfolio Signal and Delta Direct

V SYSTEMS is now available on both Blockfolio Signal and Delta Direct to stay connected with the VSYS community. You can now download the Blockfolio and Delta apps to track VSYS and enable notifications to receive the latest updates and announcements from our team. Read here for more details.

Pink Care Token Campaign

Our CEO Alex Yang shows his support to the Pink Care Token project by taking part in the campaign video and telling us to contribute no matter how small. Please join us and fight period poverty together! Read here for more details.

Seoul, Korea

We have been working hard to expand the Korean community in the past 2 months. Our official VSYS Kakao Talk Group has reached 600 members this week and we are getting in touch with different local influencers to catalyze the marketing work in Korea.

3. Supernode

Dalong Wallet released V1.7.0 this week to support instant exchange function and ETH/VSYS exchange pair. Read here for more details.

The V SYSTEMS team is happy to see all candidates are keeping the supernode contention healthy and constructive. If you are a VSYS Coin holder, don’t forget to show your support by leasing your VSYS Coins to your selected supernode and earn your minting rewards at the same time. View the Supernode Ranklist for more details.

4. Market Overview

Exchange Updates

With consistent well-performing trading volume, VSYS has officially been promoted to the KuCoin Plus Trading Area based on its comprehensive assessments. Read here for more details.

Market Cap

With a market cap of US$400 million, VSYS has climbed from 34th to 29th on CoinMarketCap in just one week, and entered into the top 30 cryptocurrencies in this globally recognized tracking site. A big thank you to the community for your support!

Screenshot from CoinMarketCap on 19 Jul

Staking Rewards

This week, VSYS has remained to be the top 8 projects on stakingrewards.com, with a total staking value of approximately US$16 billion.

With VSYS coins, you can easily enjoy the rewards from staking with just a few clicks. Take action now!

Screenshot from stakingrewards.com on 19 Jul

Stay Connected

Follow us on Twitter, Medium and YouTube to stay up-to-date with our latest announcements. Join our official VSYS Telegram group, Reddit and bitcointalk to participate in discussions with the VSYS team and our community. If you are a developer, you can also connect with our developers around the world in the VSYS GitHub Community.

Other Useful Links

VSYS Official Website: https://www.v.systems

Supernode Ranklist: https://vsysrate.com/

VSYS Blockchain Explorer: https://explorer.v.systems/

2019年7月第3週 週報 (中文文字版)

1. VSYS 區塊鏈開發進展


首個版本的VSYS智能合將引入的功能包括發行,轉移和銷毀Token。除此之外,這些功能將允許VSYS用戶創建自己的Token經濟,將志同道合的社區聚集在一起。 VSYS智能合約的首階段版本目前正在測試網中進行測​​試。開發團隊目前正為VSYS智能合約的新功能設計進行討論,以增加其他新的基礎功能。





2. 全球社區動態

成功上線Blockfolio Signal和Delta Direct

VSYS用戶現在可利用Blockfolio Signal和Delta Direct與我們的團隊保持聯繫。立即下載Blockfolio和Delta應用程式,關注VSYS幣並開啟通知顯示,以接收我們團隊的最新的發展資訊和公告。閱讀此文章,以了解更多Blockfolio Signal 和Delta Direct的相關細節

Pink Care Token慈善計劃

V SYSTEMS 的首席執行官Alex Yang身體力行,參與Pink Care Token慈善計劃的宣傳影片拍攝,表明對項目的支持並呼籲廣大的區塊鏈社區共同參與,為解決「月經貧窮」的問題出一分力!請按此了解更多。


在過去的兩個月裡,V SYSTEMS團隊一直努力擴大韓國社區。本週,我們的官方VSYS Kakao Talk群組人數已達600名。此外,我們正在與當地數十位區塊鏈的網紅取得聯繫,以促進當地的營銷工作。


DaLong Wallet 本週發布了V1.7.0系統更新,以支援即時兌換功能和ETH / VSYS的配對交易。請按此了解更多。

V SYSTREMS團隊很高興看到所有節點候選人共同保持健康和具建設性的良性競爭。如果你擁有VSYS幣,請記得支持您喜愛的超級節點,參與鑄幣同時更可獲得獎勵。請按此處查閱最新的超級節點排名。



VSYS以良好的交易量紀錄已成功通過全面評估,正式晉升為KuCoin Plus交易區项目之一。請按此了解更多。







請關注我們的社交平台Twitter, Medium YouTube,以獲取最新的資訊。另外,您亦可以加入我們的 VSYS Telegram 群組, Reddit bitcointalk,參與我們的團隊和社區討論。如果閣下是開發技術人員,歡迎加入VSYS GitHub 社區,與VSYS世界各地的開發人員聯繫。


VSYS 官方網站: https://www.v.systems

超級節點排名: https://vsysrate.com/

VSYS鏈瀏覽器: https://explorer.v.systems/



V Systems
V Systems

A blockchain platform that supports the efficient and agile development of decentralized applications. Visit our website at www.v.systems