Weekly Report 2019 June #1

V Systems
V Systems
Published in
6 min readJun 7, 2019

1. VSYS development:

Mainchain development:

Recent developments of VSYS focuses mainly on deploying smart contract support.

Smart contracts will support the issuance of custom tokens, enabling users to customize the functionality of their own tokens.

Tests are being performed on Testnet to ensure that Mainnet remains secure.

Wallet development:

The wallet has completed the development of the Token function and supports issuance Token with the new smart contract feature.

It has also been updated to increase user-friendliness in response to user feedback.

The wallet is being continuously tested for bugs and any improvements that can be made in terms of user-friendliness.

Other development:

Other features that are receiving an overhaul are the VSYS explorer and a brand new official website.

The VSYS explorer will be updated so keeping track of blockchain token transactions will be possible.

Test & debug:

Stress testing smart contract transactions.

Testing efficiency of a new type of transaction.

Testing new feature of VSYS explorer.

Maintenance & Operations:

Regular operations and maintenance: Continued technical support for VSYS Supernodes.

Notice: Sunny King announced that Primecoin will contend and operate one V SYSTEMS supernode


2. Global Community

This week Sunny King suggests Primecoin began to contributes on the VSYS ecosystem.

Primecoin has a large number of fans and coin holders in the community.

According to the development plan of the future V SYSTEMS, the community and the holders of the two projects will cooperate in depth and plan more exciting things including exchange listing.

At the same time, Primecoin’s developer community is already actively contacting the V SYSTEMS team.

In the future, based on its VSYS supernode, Primecoin will contribute global branding on V SYSTEMS by online and offline promotings.

Korea blockchain media is contacting and reporting VSYS, please read one of the influencer’s media reports: https://blog.naver.com/army850/221556032855

Based on the upcoming smart contract, the team has invested in more than 15 projects, and the development progress is very smooth, covering asset digital monetization, financing and lending, trading platforms, derivatives platforms, insurance, funds, payments and banks, etc. A number of products have undergone new service updates during the week. We are very excited after testing.

3. Supernode

Sunny King posts a Project Codename “Super” in the Peercointalk’s Primecoin board.

In the post, Sunny King suggests that the Primecoin project will contend and operate one VSYS supernode.

Currently, the Primecoin’s candidate node has received more than 70 million VSYS stake leased. Check it out here: vsysrate.com

The supernode will be managed by Sunny King and Barde from the Primecoin community.

The Primecoin supernode will leverage its global reach to expand VSYS holders and use all of the service fee income to develop the ecosystem of VSYS and Primecoin.

V SYSTEMS’ supernode ecosystem has been greatly enriched which covers different types of crypto service providers except for the Primecoin community, which includes exchanges, community, wallets, mining pools, and quotation apps.

The team is actively contacting the world’s top 40 Staking service providers and will work with them in the future to promote the construction of the SPoS miners community. If you or your friends are interested, please introduce to snake@v.systems

4. Developer Community

Primecoin will integrate itself and its community’s global developer community to collaborate on the upcoming V SYSTEMS smart contracts to develop infrastructure ecosystems such as gaming platforms.

Some of those DEFI applications are now able to test-flight use!

Several app developers who operate more than 100 million global users contact us show a strong willingness to cooperate. In the future, they will develop their blockchain applications based on the V SYSTEMS blockchain.

Please send us an email if you are interested: snake@v.systems

5. Team and Partners

VSYS team is actively communicating with the Peercoin community to support the Peercoin community and explore more exciting collaboration of new innovations.

2019年6月第1週 週報

1、VSYS 開發進展:















正在全面測試 VSYS 瀏覽器的各項新功能



重要通知:Sunny King宣布Primecoin竞选VSYS超级节点 融入VSYS生态



本周Primecoin正式开始融入VSYS生态。Primecoin在社区方面全球拥有众多粉丝和持币者,将根据未来V SYSTEMS的发展规划,双方的社区和持币者将深度合作,以及更多上所计划。同时,Primecoin的开发者社区已经在积极与V SYSTEMS团队联络。

Primecoin未来将基于超级节点,将品牌影响力不断在全球范围,向V SYSTEMS输出,包括线上和线下的活动等。




Sunny King在Peercoin论坛发文称,Primecoin项目参与竞选及运营VSYS超级节点,目前Primecoin后备节点已经获得了7000多万VSYS的权益支持。

Sunny King在Peercoin社区号召所有持有VSYS币的用户,将VSYS币租赁到Primecoin目前在VSYSRATE的后备节点上,等待挑战成为超级节点,由Sunny King和Barde共同管理。





Primecoin將整合自身和其社區的全球開發者力量,在即將上線的V SYSTEMS智能合約基礎上深度合作,開發如游戲平台等基礎設施生態項目。

同時目前團隊正在積極與企業合作夥伴聯合投資區塊鏈項目,並在全球範圍尋找頂尖的區塊鏈開發者投資孵化基於V SYSTEMS主鏈的應用。



團隊正在引進Sunny King的更多全球粉絲和開發者參與項目開發。



In 2016, Sunny King, the inventor of Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism, gathered a team of the world’s top database scientists and mathematics encryption experts to start the project V SYSTEMS. Through the innovating consensus algorithm and decentralized database cloud platform, the project aims to address the core issues circulating the current blockchain industry — scalability and usage threshold.

By maturing the PoS technology, Sunny King created an elevated version of the consensus algorithm based on supernodes — Supernode Proof of Stake (SPoS). Not only does SPoS inherit the advantages on security and scalability of PoS, but it also brings significant improvements to the shortcomings of PoS, thus making it a highly efficient, stable and secure bottom layer for blockchain.

The major highlight for V SYSTEMS is the world’s first Common Type System blockchain database. Using an object-oriented manner for storage, the database gives high-concurrency, efficient indexing and many more advantages to various blockchain data use cases. It can also support industrial-scale decentralized applications, a key trend ahead of blockchain.

Another key aspect of V SYSTEMS is a development cloud platform equipped with a modular system. With a simple and intuitive design similar to a development engine, V SYSTEMS makes blockchain development as easy and fast as building blocks, thus lowering the entry barrier for companies to develop the blockchain.

The application of V SYSTEMS’s DApps platform including smart contract applications, sidechain applications, and cross-chain applications will focus on mainstream industries such as the finance sector.

Circulating the various innovations of V SYSTEMS is the native token VSYS Coin. The annual amount of additional issuance is fixed at a rate of 5%, and the rate is decreasing every year. The transaction cost destruction model of PoS is also adopted, granting a balanced and healthy economy. More importantly, the design of SPoS allows all coin holders to lease their coin stake to a supernode, and participate in the block production process to get rewards. This significantly improves V SYSTEMS’ immunity against 51% attacks.

The V SYSTEMS mainnet was launched on November 27th, 2018. To achieve a brand new era of the virtual economy, the development team is currently working on tech updates for 2019 and 2020 such as smart contract, blockchain database platform, sidechain and cross-chain in 2019–2020.

Project Name: V SYSTEMS

Official Website: https://www.v.systems

Project Introduction documents: https://v.systems/whitepaper.html

Learn how to participant supernode minting: https://v.systems/supernode.html

About VSYS Coin

V SYSTEMS’ cryptocurrency exchange ticker: VSYS

VSYS Coin lists on exchanges: https://v.systems/start.html

VSYS Coin on coinmarketcap page: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/v-systems/

Short Summary for VSYS Coin:

VSYS coins are the cryptocurrency on V SYSTEMS blockchain.

The genesis block produced 5,142,858,000 VSYS Coins, then annually produces a fixed around 283,824,000 VSYS Coins, issued through supernode minting, with a inflation rate around 5% which decreases every year.

About the V SYSTEMS Team

Architect: Sunny King

Sunny King, a legendary blockchain developer, is the inventor of Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism and creator of three cryptocurrencies/blockchain projects, including V SYSTEMS, Peercoin, and Primecoin. Each project brings important advancements to blockchain technology and its community.

Sunny King Wiki:


Sunny King Twitter:


Sunny King’s statement on the V SYSTEMS public chain:


Core Developer Team Introduction:

The core developer team are experts from ex-Oracle, VMware, Google, Uber, and more other silicon valley tech companies. The leading developer team members are all world’s top database scientists and mathematicians.

Social Medias of V SYSTEMS

Telegram: https://t.me/VSYSOfficialGroup

Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5095853.0

VSYS Talk: http://talk.v.systems

VSYS Twitter: https://twitter.com/VSYSCoin

Sunny King Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunnyking9999

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vsystemsofficial

Medium: https://medium.com/vsystems

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/V_SYSTEMS



V Systems
V Systems

A blockchain platform that supports the efficient and agile development of decentralized applications. Visit our website at www.v.systems