Weekly Report 2019 May #1

V Systems
V Systems
Published in
5 min readMay 10, 2019

1. Development Progress


Modify the main net Contract API to complete and name it Euclid

Issue, send and Burn Token function on Hot wallet development completed

UI development of the browser mobile version is completed


New Mainnet is still under testing.

Cold wallet signature development

Development of interactive protocol for hot and cold wallet smart contract

Browser Token function backend development

New version of official website development, including introduction of smart contracts, etc.

2. Global Community

This week, the world’s most professional Staking website Stakingrewards.com and the world’s largest Staking service provider Staked.us have announced VSYS the world’s seven largest Staking Crypto. We believe that VSYS will be their first choice for global institutions and investors to create their portfolio of Staking in the future.


This week we announced the smart contract named Euclid. Euclid is an ancient Greek mathematician whose “Geometry Original” is famous in the world. With the Euclid naming, we hope to innovate from a mathematical perspective, so that future smart contract applications can be ever-changing while stable and secure.

All future version updates, including future decentralized database modules, modular design modules, cloud development platform modules, smart sidechain modules, and cross-chain modules will be named after mathematicians. Because we are all going to innovate from the perspective of mathematics.

Fans are constantly writing more reports on Spot PoS mining, including:

Data Driven Investor reports titled “Leasing Crypto Can Offer 10x Returns Over Traditional Savings Accounts”, please click to read:


As well as more reports on Chinese channels, please go to the Jianshu to read.

We conducted in-depth cooperation discussions with Australia’s exchanges that hold fiat trading licenses this week.

What’s even more exciting is that we have completed 90% of South Korea’s promotional materials preparation this week. I believe that in the future, South Korea will have a lot of fans who follow Sunny King’s dream of changing the world by blockchain.

The team is globally looking for influencers to review the SPoS minting economy. If you or your friends are interested, please introduce to snake@v.systems

3. Supernode

Our New York team and the Hong Kong core team have joined in New York to prepare to promote our SPoS Staking technology at this year’s Consensus conference.

It is expected that on the 15th, New York partner will host a Staking global fan meetup, and also invited many global crypto medias and technology medias to cover.

The team is actively contacting the world’s top 40 Staking service providers and will work with them in the future to increase the number of people in SPoS miners community. If you or your friends are interested, please introduce us to snake@v.systems

4. Developer Community

We have had in-depth communication with multiple developer teams. The strong infrastructure of the SPOS consensus for the V SYSTEMS blockchain has excited developers to develop more professional blockchain applications in the financial sector.

This week, the team announced the design idea of the upcoming smart contract and Token features, and has been released in Chinese and English medias.

Please read:



The team is actively investing in blockchain projects with corporate partners, and is looking for top blockchain developers in the world to invest and incubate blockchain applications based on the VSYSTEMS mainnet. We will have a big announcement recently in this field.

Please send us an email if you are interested: snake@v.systems

5. Team and Partners

The team is recruiting more developers from Sunny King’s previous network, we will announce more key developer members very soon.

Next week we will announce important cooperation information with Primecoin.

2019年5月第1週 週報



修改主鏈Contract API完成,並命名為Euclid

熱錢包Issue,send和Burn Token功能開發完成











本週我們公佈了智能合約的命名為Euclid。 Euclid是古希臘數學家,其所著的《幾何原本》聞名於世。採用Euclid命名,我們希望在數學的角度上創新,讓未來基於智能合約的應用可以千變萬化,而同時設計嚴密且安全。



Data Driven Investor名為《Leasing Crypto Can Offer 10x Returns Over Traditional Savings Accounts》的報導,請點擊閱讀:




不过更令人兴奋的是,我们本周完成了90%的韩国宣传资料准备,相信未来韩国将拥有特别多追随Sunny King改变世界梦想的粉丝。


我们的纽约团队以及香港核心团队已经在纽约汇合,准备在本月的Consensus大会上大力推广我们的SPoS Staking技术。




我們與多個開發團隊進行了深入溝通,SPoS共識給V SYSTEMS區塊鏈帶來的強大底層讓開發者興奮,他們可以開發更多金融領域的非常專業的區塊鏈應用。

由於我們即將發布的智能合約和token功能,希望進行相關開發的開發團隊,請聯繫我們。 bd@v.systems




團隊正在引進Sunny King的更多全球粉絲和開發者參與項目開發。



V SYSTEMS is a native blockchain database and decentralized app platform that aims to create a brand new digital economy era. The project is led by chief architect, Sunny King, the legendary blockchain developer and creator of Proof of Stake (PoS), who initiated the first PoS project with Peercoin and was also the creator of Primecoin.

V SYSTEMS’ mission is to create a future economy built upon millions of blockchains. To fulfill this mission, V SYSTEMS creates a scalable and stable infrastructure that brings a healthy blockchain ecosystem based on the next evolution of PoS, Supernode Proof of Stake (SPoS). V SYSTEMS aims to materialize the vision by building an innovative database cloud to make blockchain development swift and easy.

The mainnet and supernodes of V SYSTEMS have been operating since Q4 2018. The performance has been proven stable with industrial level TPS.

Project Name: V SYSTEMS

Official Website: https://www.v.systems

Project Introduction documents: https://v.systems/whitepaper.html

Learn how to participant supernode minting : https://v.systems/supernode.html

About VSYS Coin

V SYSTEMS’s cryptocurrency exchange ticker: VSYS

VSYS Coin lists on exchanges: https://v.systems/start.html

VSYS Coin on coinmarketcap page: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/v-systems/

Short Summary for VSYS Coin:

5,142,858,000 VSYS Coins (genesis block) Annual inflation rate around 5.5%, issued through supernode minting. VSYS Coins will be burnt during transaction, deflation may occur as a result.

VSYS coins are the cryptocurrency on V SYSTEMS blockchain.

About the V SYSTEMS Team

Architect: Sunny King

Sunny King, a legendary blockchain developer, is the inventor of Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism and creator of three cryptocurrencies/blockchain projects, including V SYSTEMS, Peercoin and Primecoin. Each project brings important advancements to blockchain technology and its community.

Sunny King Wiki:


Sunny King Twitter:


Sunny King’s statement on the V SYSTEMS public chain:


Core Developer Team Introduction:

The core developer team are experts from ex-Oracle,VMware,Google, Uber, and more other silicon valley tech companies. The leading developer team are all world’s top database scientists and mathematicians.

Social Medias of V SYSTEMS

Telegram: https://t.me/VSYSOfficialGroup

Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5095853.0

VSYS Talk: http://talk.v.systems

VSYS Twitter: https://twitter.com/VSYSCoin

Sunny King Twitter: https://twitter.com/sunnyking9999

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vsystemsofficial

Medium: https://medium.com/vsystems

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/V_SYSTEMS



V Systems
V Systems

A blockchain platform that supports the efficient and agile development of decentralized applications. Visit our website at www.v.systems