Introduction to VTVL — Token Management Platform

VTVL | Token Management
Published in
4 min readOct 31, 2022

Supercharge your web3 economy by seamlessly automating token vesting and distributions

VTVL — Token Management Platform

VTVL — Token Management Platform

VTVL is building infrastructure to empower web3 token economies by removing the complexities in building custom token management and analytics.

Our first product is a token management platform which makes it easier for web3 companies such as protocols, decentralized autonomous organizations (DAO), Defi, crypto funds, family offices, and venture capitalists to distribute and receive tokens.

The Origin of VTVL

As ex-venture capitalists and private investors for early token projects, the team has experienced firsthand the rudimentary process of claiming tokens. Oftentimes, this involves a combination of traditional tools such as spreadsheets and calendar reminders to manually keep track of upcoming claims.

Founders also don’t have it any easier. The eternal debate of building in-house vesting tools vs outsourcing it to development agencies comes with its own ramifications. Either its too labour intensive and risky, or it costs too much money.

As such, we saw an opportunity to build a token management platform that helps both web3 projects and investors issue/claim tokens in a hassle free way with automation and simplified user experience.

VTVL — Team Pic at Token2049 Singapore

Token Vesting Needs Ease of Use

Token management tools can improve the relationship between the investors, employees and web3 projects. However, a poorly planned and overlooked vesting operation can hurt each party down the line. Here are the top issues projects are facing when handling token vesting in-house.

On Time

With each project having its own custom vesting periods, having on time delivery of the token is crucial but often requires a manual reminder between stakeholders.

Prone To Error 🔺

Let’s face it. The process of manually sending out tokens, validating the transactions, and ensuring the designated recipient receives the tokens is ultimately broken. Not only is it time-consuming, but it’s also a highly scattered process; prone to human error that can result in millions of tokens being distributed to the wrong recipient if a single number or letter is input incorrectly.

Security Risk ☣️

Any time a project is building a tool to distribute millions of tokens in-house there is a chance that hackers will try and exploit this tool. Project owners can conduct a third party audit to minimize this risk but a single audit can cost up to $50,000 USD and take weeks to complete.

How the VTVL Vesting Tool Works

Create Automated Vesting Schedules within Minutes

Say goodbye to editing spreadsheets and say hello to customisable vesting schedules with real-time tracking. Project owners can seamlessly create new vesting schedules on-chain within minutes to ensure tokens are distributed to the right recipients on-time every time!

VTVL — Configure Vesting Schedules
VTVL — Vesting Schedules

On-Chain Tracking and Instant Token Distribution

Distribute tokens to your investors/employees securely with our audited smart contracts and seamless user interface.

VTVL — Tokens Claiming


Track your token vesting schedules from multiple projects all in one powerful and secure dashboard.

VTVL — Dashboard


Your tokens are well protected through extensive smart contracts audited by trusted firms, Certik, Quantstamp and Code4rena. Distribute tokens to your investors/employees securely with our audited smart contracts and seamless user interface.

VTVL — Smart Contracts Audits

Chain Agnostic

VTVL currently supports tokens issued on EVM based blockchains such as Ethereum, Klaytn, Fantom, Avalanche, BSC, Polygon, Cronos, Aurora and additional blockchains scheduled to be added in 2023.

VTVL — Supported Blockchains

More to Come…

We will be sharing more about our products, tokenomics/fundraising best practices and upcoming web3 projects. Stay in the loop by following us.





Interested in seeing the VTVL demo and how we can help with your web3 needs? Schedule a demo with us here

Disclosure & Disclaimer

This content should not be relied upon as legal, business and investment advice. Please consult your advisors regarding these matters. References to digital assets or cryptocurrency do not constitute investment recommendations.Some information in this article has been obtained from third party sources and might contain third party advertisements which had not been verified by VTVL.Any information in this article is subject to change without further notice.



VTVL | Token Management

Token Management Platform 🔥 Defi 🦄 GameFi 🚀 VC 🍣 Research