AdonisJS MVC Framework for NodeJS is Just Too Good

Patrick O'Dacre
Vue by Example
Published in
2 min readFeb 13, 2018

I normally just write about VueJS, but Adonis is just too good not to share.

If you know about Vue, you likely know about Laravel. And if you know about Laravel, you’ve probably wished for something similar for NodeJS.

Well, I’m pleased to share that Adonis is it.

Subscribe to my YouTube channel for more tutorials on working with VueJS and AdonisJS — an MVC framework for NodeJS

Create a Simple API to get more familiar with Adonis:

In the series I cover the following:

  • using the Adonis CLI to quickly create a project and important files
  • routing
  • database migrations
  • CRUD operations on a MySQL db via Lucid ORM and the Query Builder
  • Middleware

Throughout the course I walk you through the documentation and even some source code so you will be armed with the understanding to excel on your own.

I also provide a cheatsheet on Github with many suggestions on how you can challenge yourself to learn even more.

When I first began planning a personal project last year, I knew I wanted to use Node, but I was not looking forward to working with so many different libs to get what I needed — Express, Knex, Nodemailer, Passport, etc.

It’s not that I thought it would be especially difficult putting all those together; I know many others work with just that stack.

What I really wanted, though, was all those things in a nice neat bundle to make things less tedious.

I’m very happy I found AdonisJS, and I’m sure you will be too.



Patrick O'Dacre
Vue by Example

Coffee-fueled Programmer. I like making games and web things.