The Official Vue.js News Podcast is Live!

Gregg Pollack
Vue Mastery
Published in
2 min readJan 18, 2018

Today I’m happy to announce the release of the Official Vue.js News Podcast, produced by Adam Jahr and I. If you’re a Vue developer or even thinking about becoming a Vue developer, you might consider subscribing (Apple Podcasts, Android, RSS Feed).

Every week we’ll be covering the latest news and tutorials in the Vue.js community in just 5 minutes, with the goal of making you a more successful developer.

It’s something to listen to while you’re commuting, mowing the lawn, or bathing your cat. We know your time is valuable so we try our best to craft the most knowledge as we can into each episode. If we can teach you about one library or technique that helps you be even more successful in our career, we’ve done our job well.

All our stories are coming straight from the Official Vue Newsletter, which means if you’re a listener you can get the links we talk about delivered right to your inbox. I have to thank Damian Dulisz and Krzysztof Jung for helping produce the newsletter on a weekly basis, Monterail for creating the newsletter in the first place, and Evan You for the idea of joining forces.

Adam and I recording the podcast

We hope you enjoy the podcast as much as we enjoy producing it. If you ever have any comments or stories you think we should cover feel free to tweet at me.

As you may or may not know I’ve been podcasting for almost 10 years now starting with the Rails Envy Podcast in late 2007, which then led me to Ruby5 in 2009. If you ever were a listener, I’d love to hear from you and maybe be that voice in your ear yet again.

