Localstorage with vue-localstorage

Jean-Philippe Fong
Published in
3 min readMar 22, 2018

Local storage is a great way to store data with key/value pairs in the browser with no expiration date.

We will build a very small vueJS app using local storage that allows us to add todo item to a list. We will use a module called vue-localstorage to keep our todos even if we refresh the app.


First, let’s init a project with the webpack-simple template (Check this if you want to learn more about templates):

vue init webpack-simple vue-localstorage-tutorial

Then inside the project, install all dependencies.

yarn install

We will install a module called vue-localstorage:

yarn add vue-localstorage


The next up is to setup vue-localstorage into the project in the main.js file:

import VueLocalStorage from 'vue-localstorage'


You can get rid of the existing content of the template of App.vue. Add the following markup in the App.vue, you will have a text field to write todo, with a button to add them. below that, we display all our todos.

<input type="text" v-model="text"/>
<button @click="addTodo()">Add</button>
<li v-for="todo in todos">
{{ todo }}

Put this into the data section:

return {
text: null,
todos: []

text is used for todos text todos is a list of todo

After that, we need to create the addTodo method:

addTodo () {
this.text = null
this.$localStorage.set('todos', JSON.stringify(this.todos))

This method add the todo to todos, then it will set null to the todo text. Finally, we will use localstorage! You can access localstorage from any component using this.$localStorage. We will use the set method to store todos, using the key todos.

We use JSON.stringify as localstorage store key and values in String.

After we add some todos, what we have on our screen is this:

Add todo and list of todos

If you refresh your page, you will lost all your todos. But if you check the local storage in your browser, you will see your todos!

Todos in the Local Storage

So what you just have to do now, it's to get todos from the local storage. Let's do this in the mounted hook.

mounted () {
const todos = JSON.parse(this.$localStorage.get('todos'))
if (todos) {
this.todos = todos

We will use this.$localStorage.get with todos as key. Don't forget to parse the string. If we have todos, they will be set to this.todos.

That's it. You have all the methods to make localstorage works!

You can find the source code on github.

