Feeling Alive Again.

Photo by Maria Lysenko on Unsplash

She laid there,
curled up in her blanket.
It was a warm morning,
So was her heart and soul.

She freed herself,
From the bounds of a broken promise.
She was free at last,
The birds resonated with her heart-felt.

A new morning,
It felt as if she had broken off a rusty shackle.
It took time for her,
To leave what she once valued and cared about.

Tha day she picked a suit,
Glossy, confident, and back to where she left.
It had been a few years,
Abused and broken off by a vile Soul.

All gloomy Sundays are gone,
Her Mondays didn't look that bad anymore.
There were learning from her bond,
It had hardened her and made her very strong.

I saw her too,
From a distance, she looked calm and unchanged.
She had soothing eyes,
There was a sense of independence and a new found smile.

It was a rather short poem. The context is of a woman who just let go of her past. She has risen from the shackles of an abusive relationship. She now feels as if the morning warm sun resonates with her feelings. And I am trying to observe her and dictating her mindstate.

I hope you like it.

If you wanna read some more of heartfelt poems or stories.



Purushottam Banerjee
Vulnerable Humans

Software Engineer| Film enthusiast| Story Teller || Wants to make the world better.