Star Dust

A poem

Najmu Sehar
Vulnerable Humans
2 min readJun 30, 2021


Photo by Rakicevic Nenad from Pexels

Green grass, the floor in the park,
Lying on it, tapping my feet,
Enjoying the moment with this beat,
And with the silence of the dark

Up the sky possess numerally numerous stars,
And numerous galaxies, but only a unique sun,
It is so cool, isn’t that fun?
Will it melt everything; even heart’s bars?

Down on grass, dreams so high,
Can’t find myself, wandering in sky

Sun is the power; every moon wants to hold,
As others shine, still day is gloomed
And when it comes to sun, night is bloomed,
But why she desires to be so strong and bold?

Photo by Luke Stackpoole on Unsplash

Down on grass, dreams so high,
Can’t find myself, wandering in sky

For stars like sun and unwanted Star Dust, unique is moon,
Among the huge big cluster, One little pea is me,
It is One’s inspiration, one’s reason, one’s glee,
Will One get besides it? Never or soon?

Down on grass, dreams so high,
Can’t find myself, wandering in sky

Cluster is of million and more,
Wish it will come across the One,
And find there is some Dust behind the sun,
Will it ever be brought to the fore?

Down on grass, dreams so high,
Can’t find myself, wandering in sky

Photo by Alexander Andrews on Unsplash

Moon’s company is One’s only dream,
Glossy is the glory of her glamour,
Dazzled are many by her feature,
Will it notice this unnoticeable by just a scream?

Down on grass, dreams so high,
Can’t find myself, wandering in sky

Hey! Moon! Look down! Look at the one; Oh! Austen!
The One, Star Dust, forever wants you to hold,
With you, he never wants to grow old
You are his everything, his life you have brighten!

Down on grass, dreams so high,
Can’t find myself, wandering in sky

Kimi No Na Wa via Literatures and Movies
Kimi No Na Wa via Literatures and Movies
  • najmusehar
  • (23rd June, 2012)

