10 Signs Your Mental Health Could Be Getting Worse

The signs I look for

Lea O
Vulernable Value


Photo by Arif Riyanto on Unsplash

Last week I wrote this piece on depression. It’s the first semi-creative piece I’ve managed in months. Everything else has been strictly work-related as far as writing goes.

In the piece, I talked about how I’ve had my fair share of the SSRI/SNRI merry-go-round of meds. Two years ago, I decided I didn’t want to rely on medications anymore.

Meds work for a lot of folks. But for me, and many other trauma survivors, they often serve to produce temporary numbing of all emotions, not just the “bad” ones.

I want to learn how to live — how to coexist — with my incurable, chronic depression and CPTSD. I want to learn how to identify things like anticipatory grief, often mislabeled and mistreated as depression instead.

Many of us (including me) wait until we’re in crisis mode. Isolated, alone, and depressed before we realize it’s happening.

So I’ve started taking note of what’s happening in my life over the course of the last few years. A depression blueprint of sorts.

Here are 10 signs your mental health could be taking a turn into dark depression land.

(Important to note that I am not a mental health professional. Only a human that’s been through a lot…

