About Chile

Reasons why you should choose Chile as a destination for your future

Vultur Chile
Vultur Chile
3 min readMay 8, 2017


Atacama desert

Chile is the most stable democracy in South America. Ranked at 27th position in Global Peace Index and 24th at Corruption Perceptions Index of 2016, Chile enjoys its status as the only South American OECD member.

Chile has one of the most stable economies in the world with 2,3% annual GDP growth. Chilean peso is stable, with inflation no more than 2,9%. With population up to 18 000 000 in 2017, Chile has growing GDP per capita around 2% annual and ranked 41th in the world by this factor. In Global Competitiveness Index Chile is at 33rd place, right between Spain and Thailand.

Chilean passport in one of the strongest in the world. According to Visa Restrictions Index of 2017, Chileans could travel to 157 countries without visas, including US, Canada, and Australia, what makes Chilean passport 17th strongest passport in the world.

Chile has a unique geography. Located in the South-East of South America, Chile enjoys the longest Pacific coastal line with 6 435 km of desert beaches in the North, tiny bays in the Center with small coastal resorts and natural fjords with pure water in South.

Pucon bay

Thanks to its unique location, continental Chile enjoys all types of climate, except tropical (but you could find it at Easter Island) — from deserts in the North to Arctic tundra in South.

During the last couple of years, Chile is crazy about ecology. The largest solar plant in Latin America could be found in the desert of Atacama. Metro of Santiago is the world’s first metro system, powered by solar energy. Unique nature is protected by the government with growing number of national natural parks.

Chile is a multinational country. You could find here people of almost all nationalities, who left something in the culture of the country. North is more connected with other Latin America while South of Chile could be called “a piece of Europe”. Santiago could be called as South American Manhattan.


Chile is famous by its well-developed public transport. Santiago enjoys almost all types of it — bus, metro, and modern tramway line under construction. Uber and its Spanish analog Cabify is in a confrontation with taxi drivers, but widely popular.

For travelers, Chile could offer its well-developed inner country transportation. Chile has some of the most comfortable low-cost airlines in South America — Sky Airline. In Patagonia, you could find a local airline which could bring you right to Antarctica. And, of course, don’t forget Chilean National airline — LATAM.

Chilean railways could bring you from Santiago until the heart of the district of Los Lagos (The Lake District) — the city of Temuco. The road system is one of the best in South America (35th place in the world), and you could reach almost everywhere by bus. Buses are comfortable, with WCs and some of them have Wi-Fi connection.

Chile has a huge presence of international commercial chains, like Walmart (in Chile it’s called Lider), Jumbo (which could be referred to Auchan), HOMY (IKEA lovers will be happy). The prices are the same like in Europe. The quality of products is high, especially of milk and cheese from the South. Chileans are proud of their bread and a huge variety of vegetables, which you could eat with the meat during asado party(Chilean BBQ).

Healthcare. Chile has one of the highest life expectations in the world (male — 78 years, and 84 years for female, the second score in Americas). The level of healthcare is high, and it was ranked as 8th in the world.

Ski resort La Parva

