Mixed reality enriches literally every experience

VU Token
VU Token
Published in
4 min readApr 29, 2018

‘Mixed reality’ or MR is a fairly new term. It describes the spectrum of emerging technologies that sit somewhere between the real, physical world, and completely virtual environments.

New tech and use cases have flooded the market over the last few years, aiming to either augment the physical world around us, or enhance the virtual worlds we interact with — nerds among us can easily imagine the difference as an Iron Man-esque display feeding you information about your surroundings, versus dialling into the VR world of Tron and being completely immersed.

Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality however, are not new concepts. Virtual Reality dates back as early as 1957 , and many innovators have been hard at work since then to immerse us in virtual worlds or enhance the physical world, digitally.

Over recent years, the MR industry has skyrocketed in size due to both an increased accessibility and affordability of compatible hardware, as well as an ever-growing list of major developers that are making use of such technologies for their software and games.

Despite a slow start, where technological limitations were greater and hardware and concepts in general were in their early stages — inefficient, clunky, or unoptimized — it would seem as though mixed reality is fast taking shape as one of the leading platforms for entertainment in the near future.

According to Digi-Capital, VR and AR growth over the last few years is set to continue, with the global revenue forecasted at $120B by 2020.

VR Gaming and Technology

New models and improved hardware are quickly being implemented — most recently the announcement of the new HTC VIVE Pro. Most interestingly, the new model has a wireless adapter. Many VR enthusiasts will know, the cable management alone has thus far been a puzzle game in itself, detracting from the immersive enjoyment that VR represents.

No one wants to be walking through a mystical forest, wondering if their real-life cable is going to get ripped out from too much excitement.

Combine with other top brands entering the space like Microsoft and their Hololens, supporting Augmented Reality through the overlay of 3D models and app interfaces onto your real-world view, and you can begin to see how and where Mixed reality will be applied in our lives in the near future; gaming, creative endeavours and work productivity just to name a few.

Mixed Reality In The Media

With the technology improving and opening up to a wider audience, VR has earned it’s placed in pop culture as a leading ‘futuristic’ experience. Most recently, “Ready Player One” and “Kiss Me First” have bought VR/AR into the psyche of the masses. People who are not gamers, still have avenues to explore this medium.

There has also been a distinct increase of 360 degree videos on platforms such as Youtube, which allows for both young and old to experience the joy that can be had from watching the largest dinosaur ever discovered stomp around your living room. Heartwarming videos of families enjoying and reacting to these sci-fi esq experiences, advocates for the more awe inspiring side of technology. Certain generations that may have shied away from or not thought something like this possible, can now appreciate a more simple VR experience in the comfort of their own homes.

Mixed Reality On The Blockchain

Gaming has for a long time been at the forefront of technological innovation.

In fact, it’s probably true that enabling better gaming has been a driving force in the advancement of technology in many fields.

It makes sense then, that one of the latest advancements in recent times — the blockchain — should also be adopted by games developers to enhance the experience. Cryptocurrency in the gaming industry, specifically in the creation of large virtual worlds, is paving the way to generate new economical systems online.

Since the early 2000’s, MMO or ‘Massively Multiplayer Online’ virtual world games like Second Life and Entropia Universe have generated large and active user bases, with some people even creating their own business on these platforms.

New projects in this field such as VU (Virtual Universe) are utilising blockchain technology by implementing digital utility tokens as a way to further advance a players experience. Furthering the application of digital tokens in the “world” and generating an even playing field for those who wish to participate in virtual economies.

Mixed reality gaming on the blockchain offers something different from the real world — a chance to be a part of a different kind of economy. One where you can earn whilst you play. Where you have access to incredible worlds, and where you get a chance to carve a business out of the vast and mysterious landscapes.

VR, AR, MR, however you choose to categorise all the new tech emerging, together they represent one key trend — a different kind of reality to the one we all know. One that opens doors to new experiences and has seemingly limitless potential to be adapted for almost any use case — whether that be building your own business, training to be a dentist or creating your dream house on an alien planet.


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VU Token
VU Token

Virtual Universe (VU) is an epic, story-driven open world game in LivingVR™ powered by AI, VR, and blockchain. The VU Token powers the economy as a currency.