3 Reasons Why You Must Be a Tech-Savvy Seller to Gain More Profit

The technology development, customer lifestyle, and your sales tactics should be combined. It will create your secret weapon to keep customers and stay ahead from your competitor.

Ari Bayu Suryadinata
3 min readSep 4, 2019


Credit: Freepik.com

1. Better Customer Relationship Management

With the old sales tactics of visiting each potential customer to gain sales your profit will be at the lowest line. Costumer living a fast pace life in a fast society, the only way to gain more sale you must join the race. Adapting to multiple channels, like social media, blogs, trade shows, referrals, and advertising, will boost your customer acquisition and maybe sales. With those channels, customers have a diverse way to find you and all the information need to be organized. A CRM holds all potential and loyal customer close, providing a lot of information that is useful during the sales cycle. A “tech-savvy seller” allows updating customer list and prospects to be always visible.

2. Leverage sales mobility

As the previous paragraph, our customer living in a fast pace life so how do seller coup with the customer? First, our customer is spending a lot of time in the digital world. Notice that, we also need to join them and spend time in the digital world. Second, we need mobile strategies as part of your sales tactics so there is no crack to miss half of your target.

With the fact, almost all buyers having messaging apps your company need to find a way to embrace that as your key to their heart. This is the third way, changing your weapon with a chatbot. Chatbot makes you able to catch up with the customer, offer your product through chat, better and personal customer service. By include chatbot into your sales process, your business stays a step ahead of the competition and gain traction with the customer.

3. Utilize content conversion tools

Blow up content that addresses a problem or offers a solution to a pain point is the new way of attracting and engaging with buyers on the front end. The customer prospect is little affected by even a spot-on content does. You must apply calls-to-action, information, and data to the play the sales. Content conversion tools are able to quantify your efforts and build a sales pipeline in a strategic way. Put all prospect through your planned sales funnel then maintain control of the sale, shorten the buying cycle, and increase the close ratio.

My tips for you is to find an all in one chatbot that serving your customer and embedded with ability as the conversion tools. The chatbot will help you to collect data that enhance your sales. It’s accurate, because of the chatbot personalize approach, and easier for you to lead future and current customer to the end of your funnel.

The best recommendation for making chatbot is Vutura.io. As a chatbots solution, Vutura.io not only providing an enterprise quality chatbot but also a coding-free platform. Building chatbots with Vutura.io is quick, simple, and efficient. Not to mention the high-quality natural language understanding. So what do you waiting for? Sign in to Vutura.io website and build your chatbot now.


Successful selling that reaching profit requires a marriage of knowledge and agility to keep customers and stay ahead of competitors. As a smart sales or managers, you must consider to be a “tech-savvy” individual and implement those 3 tips to buff your sales and having a less stressful sales process.




