The History of Chatbots

Ari Bayu Suryadinata
Published in
3 min readAug 7, 2019

The story of chatbot started back in 1950 when Alan Turing published his paper “Computing Machinery and Intelligence”. The paper then inspires Joseph Weizenbaum’s to program ELIZA, well known as the first chatbot, in 1966 at the MIT AI Laboratory. ELIZA, posing as Rogerian psychotherapist, simulated a simple, text-based conversation between human and computer.


TOP 11 Chatbot in History

ELIZA is so remarkable not only because she is the first chatbot but also the first program capable to pass the Turning test. ELIZA produce a response based on keywords or phrases from the input. Yes ELIZA is not as impressive as the modern chatbot but her first appearance made some people actually mistook her for human.

PARRY was written in 1972 by psychiatrist Kenneth Colby. Parry inexplicably simulated a person with paranoid schizophrenia. It was described as “ELIZA with attitude”. It was advanced than ELIZA because It embodied a conversational strategy. A group of experienced psychiatrist analyzed a combination of real patients and computers running PARRY through teleprinters. Only 48 percent of the time they were able to identify which is real patients correctly.

Jabberwacky is created by Rollo Carpenter in 1988. It is programmed to mimic human interaction to converse with users. It was mainly a form of entertainment. Jabberwacky is the first chatbot to simulate the voice of a Human. The only purpose of this chatbot was to pass the Turing test.

DR. SBAITSO (the name was an acronym for Sound Blaster Acting Intelligent Text to Speech Operator) was released in 1991 by Creative Labs. It was acted as a psychologist . Most of its responses were along the lines of “WHY DO YOU FEEL THAT WAY?” and lacking in complicated interaction. When Dr. Sbaitso confronted with a phrase it could not understand, it would reply with something such as “THAT’S NOT MY PROBLEM”. If the user repeat swearing or abusive behavior would cause Dr. Sbaitso to “break down” then resetting himself. Please don’t abuse Dr. Sbaitso.

ALICE was a better version of ELIZA because of her natural-language-processing. It was developed in 1995 by Richard Wallace. Although it was unable to pass the Turing test, It was a breakthrough because of ALICE able to have a more sophisticated conversation.

SMARTERCHILD developed by ActiveBuddy in 2000 and came out in 2001. It was mainly available and distributed on SMS networks. It was considered a precursor to Apple’s Siri and Samsung’s S Voice.

IBM’S WATSON was developed to answer the question on the quiz show Jeopardy!. Watson was built to be applied with advanced natural language processing, information retrieval, knowledge representation, automated reasoning, and machine learning technology. In 2011 Watson snatched $1 million for being the champion against Brad Rutter and Ken Jennings.

SIRI is a built-in, voice-controlled personal assistant exclusively available for Apple users that developed in 2010. In a simple manner, she would be acted like your friend that helps you get things done. Siri is the revolution in chatbots history. She supports a wide range variation of user commands like performing phone actions, scheduling events and reminders, device settings, searching the Internet, navigating, entertainment, and engage with iOS-integrated apps.

GOOGLE NOW was launched on July 9, 2012, packed in Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean). Google Now branding is no longer used, but the functionality continues in the Google app and its feed. Google Showcased its new intelligent personal assistant, Google, Assistant, as Google Now evolution.

ALEXA is a virtual assistant developed by Amazon in 2014. It is capable of voice interaction like music playback, setting alarms, streaming podcast, playing audiobooks, and a lot more. Alexa can also control several smart devices using itself as a home automation system. She uses a natural language processing algorithm to receive, recognize, and respond to voice commands.

CORTANA crafted by Microsoft in 2015. Just like ALEXA, she is capable of natural language processing. For answering questions Cortana using the Bing search engine.

Now there is a lot more chatbot in the world. The creation of chatbot is way easier today thanks to chatbot platform like Vutura. Vutura allows everyone, including zero coding skill individual, able to create a chatbot. Now, can you make your chatbot listed in the chatbot’s history?

