The Lender’s Reputation

The Proof of Reputation Concept

Philemon Viennas
3 min readOct 4, 2018


As mentioned in the Featured article, users who lend Vuuple their data storage are tremendous assets to the platform. These lenders, however, must be verified and deemed credible to ensure the proper storage of data on the network. While Vuuple will pay lenders in VUUPLE per GB/Month for hosting data, users must earn data storage credibility. We have implemented a Proof of Reputation Concept for lenders to validate this credibility. Vuuple will credit reputation points to lenders who meet several criteria. The lenders with the most reputation points will be prioritized in our system and granted the most monthly contracts for hosting data. Lenders must earn at least 90% of all possible reputation points in a monthly contract to receive payment. The criteria and reputation points allocated are as follows:

Online Data Verification

a. Vuuple will automatically check each lenders’ system 7 times every 24 hours to ensure the data is still online and in the original form.

b. Lenders will be given 10 reputation points per successful verification.

c. Lenders must pass at least 4 checks/24 hours to earn any points.

d. If the results show that a lender tampered with the encryption, they will be blocked from Vuuple network.


a. Lenders will be given 2 reputation points per mb/s (2*mb/s).


a. Lenders will be given 1 reputation point per ms.

GB Storage Space

a. Lenders will be given 1 reputation point per GB allotted to the Vuuple network.

Lenders that contain the original data of renters will be determined using the reputation protocol above. To prevent data elimination and ensure data recall, we have also developed a nodal, replication method. Multiple, trusted nodes will contain replicated data uploaded to the network. When the platform is initially launched, the amount of possible reputation points allocated will be insufficient in determining the most trustworthy nodes that will contain the replicated data. Due to this flaw, all nodes that will contain replicated data will be pre-determined and vetted prior to the launch of the platform.

Not all lenders will host data, even when engaged in a contract. The ability to host data depends on the lenders reputation standing in the network and the demand for data storage. Lenders will, however, still earn reputation points even when data is not hosted on their device. If a lender commits to a monthly contract, their system will still be checked and granted reputation points even if data is not hosted for the entire contract. This policy will give all lenders fair opportunity to earn reputation points.

Note: In order for lenders to receive tokens, data must be hosted on their servers.

Right now you can follow us on Medium, Github (no code is published yet, but we will once we finish the MVP), Reddit, or Telegram for updates and questions.



Philemon Viennas
Editor for

Co-Founder of Phuble (social media platform for investors), Founder of Vuuple (blockchain-based cloud storage application), Mobile game developer (Vuuple Games)