How to make your engineering team take ownership??

Shubham Agrawal
Published in
3 min readDec 11, 2022
Image by pch.vector on Freepik

For a tech leader, it is important to embed a culture of ownership and accountability within your team. Everyone knows that fostering a culture of ownership within your engineering team is essential for the success of your team and your organization. This means empowering your team members to take ownership of their work, make decisions, and learn from their mistakes.

Here are seven tips for making your engineering team to take ownership:

1. Empower them to make decisions: One of the keys to promote ownership within your team is to give your team members the freedom to make decisions. This means allowing them to explore different approaches and solutions to problems. Because if they were involved in decision making then they will feel the responsibility to deliver it with the best quality. By giving your team the freedom to experiment and innovate, you will encourage them to take ownership of their work.

2. Allow them to make mistakes: It is certain that your team will make mistakes from time to time. Rather than punishing them for their mistakes, use these opportunities as learning experiences. Encourage your team members to take ownership of their mistakes and make sure that they learn from their mistakes and don’t repeat them. This will help them grow as a great engineer as well.

3. Show them the clear path for their growth: As a leader, it is your responsibility to provide your team with the support and guidance they need to grow and develop. Keep showing them how much they have grown so far and how much more potential they have to grow faster. By showing your team members the clear path for their growth, you will help them to take ownership of their careers and achieve their potential.

4. Connect them with customer and product: Most important point is that you need to connect your engineering team with your customers and the product that you offer. Teach them customer empathy. Involve your team in customer interactions and feedback, and providing them with regular updates on how the product is evolving and getting adopted. Tell them how customers are feeling about the feature they have worked on. Making someone happy is the best feeling for anyone and same goes for engineers. If they feel that they have made the change in your customer’s life for good then they will always put extra effort in their next feature.

5. Give them responsibilities: Another key way to encourage ownership within your team is to give your team members meaningful responsibilities and challenges. This will help them to feel invested in their work and committed to achieving their goals. As they take on more responsibility, they will naturally become more accountable for their actions, and they will be more likely to take ownership of their work.

6. Trust them: Trust is a crucial part of any successful team. As a leader, it is important to trust your team members to do their best work and make good decisions. This means giving them the freedom to take risks and explore new ideas, without micromanaging their every move. By trusting your team, you will encourage them to take ownership of their work and feel more invested in the success of the team.

7. Keep pushing them for more: Finally, it is important to keep pushing your team to improve and strive for excellence. This means setting challenging goals and expectations for your team, and providing them with the support and guidance they need to achieve them. By constantly pushing your team to take on new challenges and learn new skills, you will help them to take ownership of their work and drive the team forward.

By giving your team members the freedom, support, and trust they need to take ownership of their work, you will help them to grow and develop as engineers, and you will also create a more productive and successful team.

Please feel free to add your points on what more can be done for this.



Shubham Agrawal
Editor for

Founder & CTO at Vyapar. Top 10 Technology Leaders under 30 (Technology Excellence Award 2022)