Importance of Trust to maximize Employee Performance

Yogesh Purohit
Published in
1 min readDec 10, 2022

As a leader one has to create an atmosphere of trust within the team. Trust develops a feeling of security and when employees feel safe within an organization or within a team, they start to perform at their natural best.

According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Psychological and Safety needs are the first things that need to be fulfilled before an employee reaches the Self-Actualization stage where he/she performs at their best.

So, it’s the safety need first that an employee looks for in an organization. As a Leader we need to build that trust among the employees. They must have that confidence that we are there to take care of them whenever it’s needed both in good and bad times of the business.

Military is the best example of building trust among the soldiers. Soldiers know that their leader is there to take care of them if anything happens and vice-versa. Hence, they are ready to sacrifice themselves for each other when the time comes.

