About Me

Vyomesh Iyengar
Vyomesh Iyengar
Published in
3 min readDec 27, 2020

Hi, nice to meet you! My name is Vyomesh Iyengar, and I’m currently a first year Management Engineering student at the University of Waterloo.

To describe me in a word I would say people-person, I love getting to know new people, working with others, and coming up with new ideas to solve problems that affect people’s lives. Technology is a powerful force, and wielding it to contribute towards social good is a cause that I am passionate about.

I’m a huge believer in the importance of communication, and think that any one conversation can spark a great idea. I love exploring how people’s perception on different ideas influence their decisions, and how their interests and life experiences have influenced their perception.

This Summer, I will be interning as a Product Design and User Research Intern at the Ontario Digital Service. I am also going to be a Product Designer at UW Blueprint, a User Experience Researcher at Global Spark, and a Mentorship Coordinator at UW/UX. Check back to find out more on what I work on!



LinkedIn: linkedin/vyomeshiyengar

Email: vyomeshiyengar@gmail.com

Resume: Vyomesh Iyengar Resume

When I’m not working on a project or learning something new, you can probably find me riding my bike, catching up on Netflix sitcoms, taking pictures of anything and everything, or trying out new foods.

I am a proven hard-worker, and have a positive attitude which allows me to put my 100% effort to everything I do. I have undertaken many projects, and learnt to use many tools and languages on my own through project-based learning.

Armed with a variety of leadership experience, a willingness to learn, and an interest in product design, I am looking for product design, data visualization, and product management internships for Winter 2022 (January-April 2022). Feel free to reach out if you want to talk about design, internship opportunities, biking, new foods, or anything else!

A collection of some pictures I’ve taken from places I’ve visited

