Looking Back At 2018

Published in
2 min readJan 8, 2019

Happy New Year!

Its already 2019! We can’t believe that the second decade of this century is nearly over. To think of all the changes that have already taken place in the 2000s is just mind-boggling! From Google’s and Amazon’s dominance to Apple’s resurgence. The rise and fall (and probably the rise again) of Facebook, Uber and Elon Musk are all breathtaking events in the world of consumer technology.

At Vyre, we have grown as an organization and a place where young people come to start their careers. Starting as an idea in 2016, we have serviced thousands of users this year and helped hundreds find their dream job.

Our aim has always been to make it easier for recruiters to find the best people and to make the process seamless and efficient. We introduced a bunch of new features this year, including Automated Digital Interviews and Skype Video Calling to achieve this goal.

But we couldn’t have done this without your support and encouragement. As a customer, a user, a vendor, an investor or simply as an observer your feedback pushes us everyday to do better.
Here is a short highlight reel for 2018 -

Again, thank you for your support.

Onward and Beyond to the next year!!!

Best regards,

Sudev & Devesh

PS: We would love to hear from you. Click here to fill the contact form so that we can get in touch with you.

