Video Profiles Can Get You Discovered

Published in
2 min readJul 2, 2018
“print” by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

Vyre’s co-founder, Sudev Das talks about his experience as a recruiter with over two decades of hiring experience. His simple message to all jobseekers —

Text Resumes Are No Longer Working for Recruiters

Text Resumes Don’t Work No More

A recruiter typically goes through 200 resumes in a day to shortlist suitable candidates for various job positions she is hiring for. It is, therefore, humanly impossible to make a good judgment about each person by looking at just a resume.

Personality Matters

According to him, the key element for a recruiter to shortlist a jobseeker is the personality for that jobseeker. There are many candidates that have great resumes but lack the necessary communication skills and personality to make them a great fit for job.

And on the flip side, if you have the necessary qualities that the recruiter is looking for, for example, good language skills, excellent personality and an ability to communicate & lead, there is very little you can do to showcase these qualities using a text resume.

Vyre To The Rescue

That’s why he founded Vyre ( Vyre can help you stand out from the crowd and really help you showcase your talents and qualities. Use creativity and imagination to create 90 second video about yourself. Highlight your passion, your energy and who you really are as a person to attract recruiters.

About Vyre

Vyre helps you create your Professional Video Profile and apply to jobs that are looking for real candidates and not just resumes.

Started by recruiters that have worked for top companies in Bangalore and Singapore, Vyre is designed to enable candidates to really stand-out in front of recruiters and showcase themselves.

With over 20,000 jobs and 1,000 recruiters and companies, Vyre has a lot of open jobs for real people with real skills.

Visit our website to get started with your profile.

