What is Python being used for in space?

Mohapatra Abhilash
Vytah — future of space
7 min readDec 8, 2023
Source: https://lexica.art/aperture

Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known -Sharon Begley

This quote perfectly encapsulates the optimism that surrounds the industry of space tech. Some of the greatest minds on the planet work, collaborating together to satisfy humanity’s collective itch to know more about the world and the universe around us.

In this journey, computers and, conversely, programming have become one of the most profound changes in our trajectory. This article is part of an upcoming mini-series about the various opportunities for different professions who can transition into the space sector.

In this article, we wanted to take a deeper dive into how Python developers could make an impact on the field of space exploration.

This article was made in collaboration with vytah more on that later

Data Analysis and Visualization

Python is currently being used a lot for its ability in data analysis and visualization. Indeed, a space mission produces tons of data, and Python lends itself well to processing and making sense of the data.

Important Libraries

  • NumPy : efficient numerical operations
  • Pandas: versatile data structures, facilitating manipulation
  • Matplotlib and Seaborn: detailed, publication-quality plots and visualizations, crucial for interpreting and presenting complex space-related data.

These libraries make tasks such as transformation, aggregation, and filtering easy for space professionals. This means that telemetry daya, cosmic observations, and planetary rover readings all benefit from Python.

Advantage of Python: Versatility, Extensive Libraries, and Easy Integration

Given that Python is a general-purpose language, it has high versatility, which increases efficiency and reduces a potential failure point in the integration of different languages.

The ease of integrating Python with other technologies is a game-changer. Whether it’s interfacing with telemetry systems, spacecraft hardware, or remote data repositories, Python’s ability to connect seamlessly, thanks to libraries like SciPy, makes it the glue that binds different components of a space mission. This adaptability simplifies workflows and enhances the efficiency of data processing pipelines.

As such, Python is particularly well suited for the space sector and its needs in terms of data visualization and analysis. This specific application for Python presents an excellent opportunity for developers already used to deal with various libraries and large datasets. A somewhat unexpected crossover could be the insurance industry, for example, as both sectors analyze massive datasets and need great computational tools, often based on Python.

Real world example

This is an image showing the web interface for a suite of python tools to work on ESA’s (Eureopean Space Agency) databases.

Source: Frontiers

Mission Control and Automation

Automating Spacecraft Operations with Python

The logistics of space missions are incredibly complex often due to scale and the precise coordination required. In this case, Python’s relative ease of use and versatility make it a staple in automating processes and simplifying the workflow.

Advantage of Python: Rapid Development, High-Level Language, and Reliability

As with many industries changes need to be made quick in the space sector. And this is even more important due to the large amount of variables and harsh environment of space. Thus Python’s rapid development cycle enables fast solutions to rapidly changing situations. And the dynamic typing system allows for these adjustments without the need for substantial edits.

Python’s intuitive syntax (high-level programming language) makes it easier for operators to write and maintain code which makes collaboration easier all while reducing potential points of failures.

The old saying “if it ain’t broke don’t fix” is fitting beacuse thanks to Python’s considerable use in the industry already, there is a more developed community support system which helps fix issues in high pressure situations and also accentuates collaboration between players to create an even more reliable and robust set of best practices.

Real-World Example: Implementing Mission-Critical Scripts for Satellite Operations

A great example of Python is its use in satelite operations. As the Python scripts are routinely used to automate tasks and even respond to unexpected anomolies. This is where Pyhton’s rapid development cycle comes in handy as it helps avoid a major issue with the satelite which could result in a costly accident. An exaple that comes to mind is the potential snowball effect one accident could have on the many other stetlites and constellations in LEO (low earth orbit).

Source : Nature This image shows that accidents increase debris greatly (2007 and 2009 spikes are because of a Chinese anti-satellite test and the Iridium 33-Kosmos 2251 collision)

In conclusion, Python’s role in automation is vital to the world of space exploration. Its numerous adavantages including high level language features, and rapid development capabilties renders (pun intended) the language quintessential for space agencies and other actors.

Python’s Role in Machine Learning for Space Exploration

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have become the talk of the town affecting largely unrelated sectors (Music, Healthcare with Alphafold and of course Space Tech). Python has been at the forefront of these developments with its great ecosystem of libraries and frameworks. As for AI and ML they have been used to help create and develop intelligent systems analyzing extraterrestrial data to make key decsions.

Python’s Machine Learning Libraries:

Advantage of Python in Space-Based Machine Learning

Python’s dominance in space-based machine learning stems from several key differtiators that whe have already covered.

  • Extensive Support for Machine Learning Frameworks and Ecosystems
  • Flexibility and Versatility
  • Seamless Integration with Existing Systems

Real-World Example: Training AI Models for Space Image Analysis

Using python researchers and scientist are able to accelerate data analysis and object indentification when it comes to imaging notably. The numerous array of tools used generate vast amounts of data and ML algorithlms that can learn how to classify different objects in a faster and more accurate way are invaluable.

The following picture shows a CNN (convulutional neural network) that classifies galaxies. Within the computer program, the convolutional layers are able to outline, trace and detect the presence of spiral arms or other features.

Source: International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research

Python’s Significance in Space Data Communication Systems

The space industry harnesses python’s network libraries (“Twisted” or “Scapy”) cross-platform compatibility, and open-source support to handle packets, monitor in real-time and develop and implement network protocols.

Real-World Example: Developing Communication Protocols for Satellite Networks

Python is instrumental in crafting custom communication protocols that account for the unique challenges of space environments, such as high latency, limited bandwidth, and communication interruptions. Engineers use Python to design protocols that ensure data integrity, minimize latency, and enable error correction, all while adhering to the stringent constraints imposed by space missions.


Thus, Python has emerged as a pivotal tool in space exploration, offering countless opportunities for Python coders to impact this industry in many sectors ( from data analysis, to, automation ML and so much more).

Trends show that the demand for Python in space exploration will continue to grow and it is a excellent time for profesionals to transfer into the space industry.

For those with a passion for delving into the exciting realms of space business and technology, VytahConf in Bratislava, Slovakia, on April 11th 2024 is the place to be.

Our conference is designed to cater to both technical and entrepreneurial minds, whether you’re deeply entrenched in the space industry or just curious about its possibilities. Featuring an impressive lineup of over 11 world-class speakers, VytahConf serves as a gateway to the new space race.

At VytahConf, you’ll take a deep dive into space software, hardware, venture capital investments, and future possibilities such as the colonization of Mars and beyond.

No matter your expertise, whether it’s in Python or any other field, VytahConf can propel you to uncharted heights in the thrilling space sector. Join us and become an integral part of shaping the future of space exploration.

For our international attendees, Vienna Airport is conveniently located just 40 minutes away from Bratislava, ensuring a seamless journey. Mark the date on your calendar and embark on your very own space odyssey with us!

Website: www.vytahconf.com
Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/vytahconf-space-business-conference-tickets-681748507137?aff=erelexpmlt
Question: adam@vytahconf.com

