2020: The Best Year I Had so Far

3 life-altering changes this year

Vytautas Ratkevičius
Vytas Writes


Photo by Elton Yung on Unsplash

Soon the numbers will flip. We will have to get used to a new number on the dates. It’s natural that many of us are thinking about the past 12 months.

I’m one of those that reflect. The first emotion that comes up is thankfulness. Not that the year is over, but what it gave me personally.

Here are 3 changes that took place in my life this year.


When someone shared their writing passion I couldn't understand them. During my philosophy studies writing papers was my least favorite part. I always procrastinated. Only because the deadline was a week ahead I sat down to write. It was so boring and difficult as counting grains of sand.

This year I felt God’s prompting. He said that I have a gift and I don’t use it. I was shocked. How can writing be the thing?

Because I had time, I decided to give it a go. Few weeks in and I truly fell in love with it!

I understand now that philosophy papers were not part of my interest. Mandatory research and academic style made me feel disgusted just by the thought of writing.

I have the privilege to write what I’m passionate about. I get to earn some extra money. Most importantly, it helps…



Vytautas Ratkevičius
Vytas Writes

Digital writer aiming to inspire and empower you to live more puposeful life.