Elementary, Dear Rookie: Starting Off The Right Way

Hash Rush
VZ Games
Published in
8 min readApr 21, 2022

If you have been following the recent Hash Rush updates in any form, you should be well aware of the playtest event we are diligently preparing!

While it is undoubtedly a massive step for us as developers, to dismiss the importance of easing players into the novelty that is Hash Rush would be a significant oversight. First impressions matter, and we are counting on it to be a guide for our future work curated by you: the user.

Every beginning is challenging. If you’re a rookie to the game looking to get a quick rundown before diving into the action, we have dedicated this article to you. We will include everything you need to cover your basis before the upcoming playtest.

So! What to expect?

The Idea Behind Hash Rush

The world of Hash Rush is placed in a fictional Hermeian Galaxy, existing in a non-disclosed location, somewhere in the vast universe. The current in-game perspective takes us to Cryptonia, home of a peculiar race of small humanoids called Ernacks. As a player, you will be helping them choose heroes to lead them and fight off mutated life forms created by the apocalyptic event named Crystal Scourge.

A fantasy delight featuring the world’s smallest protagonists, many teeth on the opposing side, and a malicious crystal dwelling hive mind . Do we need to say more?

It is a highly dynamic real-time strategy (RTS) game, divided into three different game modes:

  • Standard mode (available in the April playtest)
  • Dungeon (available in future playtests)
  • Boss Assault (available in future playtests)

While there is a lot to be said about all three planned in-game modes, we will be focusing on the one relevant for the incoming playtest, while more details on other modes will be revealed at a later date. For the purpose of playtesting, we will be using the good ol’ Standard mode. Perhaps not the most exciting-sounding of the three, but the Standard mode holds a tried and true recipe for a fast-paced RTS experience that builds the base of Hash Rush. It will provide us with invaluable end-user feedback regarding many features we will be using in the rest of the game.

Naturally, this mode will require the player to do numerous actions across the map to ensure domination over the enemy. Between training your workers and combat units, building and upgrading your base, gathering resources, and fighting back against the horde of Scourge monsters, you will have a handful of tasks that will make hours of gameplay feel like a solid minute.

But we can think of one more thing a fun, story-driven RTS could use: a twist! Other than the typical RTS experience, the playtest will present the basics of the in-game crafting system. The crafting system in Hash Rush is made to be intuitive, direct, and, above all, relevant throughout the entire gameplay. You will be experiencing the first steps of crafting your heroes and items, and you will even be able to fully complete your first hero using this method! We not only want to give you the gameplay experience with this playtest but also your very first complete in-game crafting achievement. There isn’t a better way to break the ice than experiencing tangible progress so early on.

Valleys and hills are alive with the sound of victory. The leader is born — but the leader will need to know how to craft!

Heroes present the most robust units available that grant diverse bonuses to the rest of the troops, making them a valuable strategical investment you will utilize from the very beginning. However, we firmly believe that showing rather than telling makes for a stronger case, so we are encouraging you to use the upcoming playtest as an opportunity to see it for yourself.

To cover all the bases or focus on a set of abilities to come out on top? Crafting is a great way to personalize the parameters, whatever the strategy.

On the one hand, the implemented crafting system will keep you progressing through the game with a sense of control over your abilities and strategy, while moving at your own pace as you crush the inevitably tricky learning phase. On the other hand, improved mechanics and graphics will keep your eye pleased, and your focus evenly spread across many upgraded visual and gameplay features.

From the water surfaces that are the absolute show-stopper to goosed-up buildings, the in-game maps are anything but monotone. Following users’ suggestions and our own idea, we have visually and functionally improved numerous buildable objects, highlighting them against the already vibrant world of Cryptonia and giving them some well-deserved flair. Representation is half the battle won! Granted, they do not fail to perform as well as they look.

There are sights to be seen in brief moments of tranquility between the battles and harvesting.

Understanding that such a vivid setup could mean a user interface that is hard to track, we paid closer attention to making the user interface as visible and as beginner-friendly as possible. In theory, with numerous shortcuts, color adjustments, and improved arrangement, it sounds fantastic. But to really assess its practicality, we aim to gather testers of all levels of RTS experience for perspectives we perhaps were dismissive of. The story of Hash Rush is a story of very different worlds uniting against a common enemy. In the spirit of it, we strive to make this an equally exciting and fun experience for all users regardless of their gaming experience or previous Hash Rush knowledge.

Whether you’re an RTS connoisseur or looking to casually try it out, the implemented user interface should be equally accommodating.

Still not interested? No judgment here! Your time and effort are priceless, and perhaps you have better things to do. With that in mind, we would like to use one more opportunity to extend our welcome with a few small tokens of appreciation.

“What’s In There For You?” Section

As a team of chronic enthusiasts, we would like to believe that the experience of the game alone would have people gush about Hash Rush as much as we do. Even with innovative ideas, we know it is really not that simple. We have a long way to go, and the market is full of attractive RTS alternatives. Because of that, we are ready to reward you for your participation.

The fun doesn’t stop with the conclusion of playtesting. Here’s one for the road.

For those participating in the incoming experience, we have prepared a few awesome rewards that are yours to keep!

While the process of crafting your own hero will be an exciting one, everyone has to start somewhere. If that ‘somewhere’ isn’t entirely from scratch, all the better! Join the playtest and earn your first special hero to help you get on your feet through the future Hash Rush adventures. It is yours to keep and use at your own discretion. We only have one request for you: make it count!

Crafting special equipment is another newly implemented process that takes some gameplay time to complete and master. For that reason, we will be adding a selected piece of equipment to the mix for those most involved for a little bit of an extra boost that can make all the difference. Like with the hero, you’re bringing this one with you once the playtest is wrapped and done.

And finally, if the experience of testing is rewarding enough, we will be pleased to hear so, and we cannot wait to show you more. Looking for more similar content after the upcoming playtest? We got you covered! By participating, you are automatically granted full access to future playtesting events. This will enable you to experience all the newest updates among the selected few most dedicated supporters and participate in the further progression of the Hash Rush development by being able to communicate your feedback to us.

Still here?

Here’s how to participate!

Given the significant amount of interest, there was a need to regulate the access to the playtest with a couple of easy-to-meet requirements. To gain access to the playtest and its rewards, each participant must have an already registered Vorto Network account. Secondly, an access item is required. Going into the playtest, at least one of two access item tier options must be active on the account. If the items are removed from the account at any moment, the playtest access will be revoked!

Two of the playtest access items are called Vorto Key and Rush Key. Owning either of these — in combination with an active Vorto Network account — makes you eligible to participate in the current playtest and every future playtest as long as the items remain active on the account. Depending on the selected tier, a different value of rewards applies.

Whichever reward option you prefer, both items guarantee the same amount of testing time!

Obtaining the necessary access items is straightforward and simple!

  1. You are yet to make your first purchase? It isn’t too late. If anything, it’s a better time than ever to do so! The Vorto Key is a tier 1 access item automatically granted to everyone who has at least one purchase on their active Vorto Network account.
  2. Do you want to get straight to the point, or do you just like all the rewards? The Rush Key is for you. This tier 2 access item is available for only 100 Rush. Go grab it!
  3. If you qualify for the Vorto Key, you can claim it already.
  4. The RUSH Key will be made available soon — we’ll update this article with an edit (here) and announce it on our Social Media channels once it is ready!

To ensure fair access to items and rewards for all, a quantity restriction applies. Each active Vorto Network account will be able to hold both items simultaneously. However, their quantity will be restricted to one item of each tier.

Sounds Interesting?

What do you say? Are you to join us for the adventure? The playtest is planned for the 22nd of April 2022 at 3 PM UTC, and we are expecting you!

But there’s still some time left, so if your answer is ‘yes,’ this is a perfect time for us to open up for any additional questions you may have. Visit any of our active social media accounts and connect with our staff and a lively community eager to help out.

If you feel like there is more to be known before the final decision, here are a few selected links with additional information regarding the playtest and the Hash Rush project:

Hash Rush Homepage: https://hashrush.com/

Register on the Vorto Network: https://vortonetwork.com/

Learn more about the game and the future features: https://vz-games-1.gitbook.io/hash-rush/

Learn about the playtest: https://medium.com/@hash-rush/hash-rush-guide-to-playtesting-ready-set-test-787894d18b1d

And, as always, if you came this far into this article, we appreciate you.

We hope to see you soon!



Hash Rush
VZ Games

An online sci-fi/fantasy RTS set in the fictional Hermeian galaxy. https://www.hashrush.com