Improving the Hash Rush Blockchain Design

Hash Rush
VZ Games
Published in
4 min readAug 26, 2020

Hello everyone,

Though it’s been a while since we last made an official blog post, we’ve been hard at work developing Hash Rush. This involved fixing annoying bugs, adding in new features, re-balancing the game, and lately, listening to your feedback regarding the blockchain side of Hash Rush.

To recap, we recently wrote three articles on what our Blockchain integration will be like. We started by talking about the RUSH Coin V1, then we looked at the Hash Rush Wallet Service, and finally, we spoke out to our gaming community and explained why we are using Blockchain in Hash Rush.

After these three articles were published, we got to work designing and developing the system, but at the same time, we were watching what you (our community), especially our blockchain community, had to say about our plans. To be frank, the Hermeian Credits system was met with a lukewarm response and we were not that happy with proceeding with a system that drained away some of the enthusiasm in our community.

So, we have some news that we are sure to reignite the excitement of our blockchain community, while not affecting the gaming community at all.

It is an interesting challenge to create a system that works perfectly for both gamers and blockchain enthusiasts, but we’re sure that we’ll get there, after all, that’s why we’re in the beta!

The big news is, we’ve scrapped the two parts of the system that were disliked:

  1. We will NOT sell RUSH Coin in the game store.
  2. As such, Hermeian Credits will NOT be added to the game.

But, Hash Rush people, how will we — the players — get RUSH Coin?
(We’re assuming that this is what you’ll be asking after reading the above!)

The answer is quite simple. Instead of having players buy RUSH from us, we are pushing forward with our plan to create a RUSH Coin Liquidity Pool.

A Liquidity Pool means that players who have RUSH Coin can sell their RUSH Coin to the pool, and in return, players who want to buy some RUSH will be able to buy RUSH from this pool.

In practical terms, this will work very similarly to what we had originally planned, however, the biggest and most important change is that you will not be buying the RUSH from us. For the gaming community, this may not sound that important, however, for the blockchain community, this is a hugely important feature as it now aligns us much closer to the ideals of blockchain.

However, we do need to be clear on one important point. Due to the early stages of Hash Rush, in order to make sure that the game economy has a chance to properly grow into the game and beyond, we will be controlling the initial price of RUSH. (Yes we can hear the boos already, but please trust us that this is vitally important.)

That said, just like with our previous system, we are entirely committed to having these controls only for a limited time. What we want to achieve with this is to have a period of time for us to observe the behaviors of the community, let the Liquidity Pool grow, and observe what our players deem to be a fair value for specific items.

Once we are sure that everything is as stable as can be, we will release the controls and have a true community-controlled economy — that is our promise to you!

The eagle-eyed readers will have noticed that we’ve mentioned that the players can buy and sell RUSH, but we’ve not mentioned how. Well, we have recently finalized a partnership with a very popular Ethereum based solution that will make(r) the RUSH on-boarding easy for anyone!

So that is it for this news update, we hope that you enjoyed reading it! Hash Rush is free to play so all you need to do is register an account on our website and download the game. If you are interested in learning more about the game, join us on Discord or Telegram and you’ll get to meet the game developers!



Hash Rush
VZ Games

An online sci-fi/fantasy RTS set in the fictional Hermeian galaxy.