Lore Spotlight — The Fisher

Hash Rush
VZ Games
Published in
3 min readAug 8, 2019

After a brief break, we are back with our popular Lore Spotlight series. In this edition, we’re looking at a very special monster, the Fisher. This unit was the very first monster to be introduced to Hash Rush, and though it has evolved with the game, a version of it existed since the pre-alpha.

So, without further ado, let’s take a look at Fisher’s lore.

The Fishers are reptilian creatures and even before the Crypto Crystal Storm could be found on multiple planets that had swampy areas.

Before the Crypto Crystal Storm, the Fishers had no specific name (the name was only given to them after the Crypto Crystal Storm) had longer jaws and while on land walked on their back legs, but were also powerful swimmers who had perfected the art of stalking their prey.

These wild reptiles had a notable role during the Lone Tower rebellion, as Arhan the Monstrous unleashed them as a rogue tactic against the Trinell, hoping that their ferocity would break the morale of the Trinell forces. However, even the reptiles could not swing the war in Arhna’s favor and he was soon defeated. After his defeat, the Trinell drove the reptiles back into the swamps, far from the city.

However, the Trinell made a small miscalculation and ended up pushing the reptiles well out of their original territory. In this new land, the reptiles had to survive on frogs and other such swamp creatures. These smaller creatures were not large enough to sustain the reptile population and many perished, only to be eaten by the rest.

During the Crypto Crystal Storm, the reptiles were able to hide in the depth of the swap which protected them from the initial devastation. However, countless Crystals sunk into the swamp and began mutating them into what we now know as the Fishers.

As time passed the reptiles changed, their jaws widened, their frontal arms became longer and their once massive bodies become more slender. But most notably they developed an angler light on their forehead. Once the transformation was complete the newly dubbed Fishers caused chaos to the small Ernack colonies all over the Cryptonian sector, using their angler light to lure unsuspecting Ernacks into the fog.

Even after the Ernacks started to expand closer to the swampy areas and trained their forces to fend off the Fisher attacks, they need to gather a sizeable force to deal with even one Fisher.

Lurking in the swampy areas and emerging from the water, an Ernacks has less than a couple of seconds to react, otherwise, it will be dragged underwater.

No longer having to be burdened by their massive size, they have become one of the most ferocious beasts to roam the wilderness.

Fun Fact

Members of our community that have been with us since the pre-alpha would have seen that the in-game model of the Fisher had changed, and we’ve been asked a few times why we change their design. The reason is actually quite funny. Hash Rush is quite popular in Japan (hence why we have a dedicated Japanese Community Manager) and we picked up quite early on that the original design looked a bit too much like Godzilla, so we changed it.

We’ll let you decide for yourself, here is a quick video of the original fisher and the new one.

The original Fisher
The new Fisher



Hash Rush
VZ Games

An online sci-fi/fantasy RTS set in the fictional Hermeian galaxy. https://www.hashrush.com