RUSH Network 1.1 — The Hash Rush Wallet Service

Hash Rush
VZ Games
Published in
8 min readJul 20, 2020
The Hash Rush Wallet Server —AKA the HRWS

In our previous article we introduced you to RUSH Coin, it’s initial use in Hash Rush and what we plan for it in the future. Though we did dive into some technical details, it was very light as we aimed it at both our crypto-enthusiast community and our gaming community.

For this second article, we’re going to look at the technical side of things a bit more, specifically how the Hash Rush Wallet Service works.

The Problem that needs Solving

The more blockchain savvy of our community will know that all transactions made on a blockchain costs some of the currency that runs on it and that it will take some time to complete.

In our case, as RUSH is an Ethereum token, this would mean that players would need to spend some Ethereum to move RUSH around. Just like all blockchain transactions, this can time anything from a few minutes to several hours, the price to send the transaction (gas) can fluctuate between a few cents to several dollars), and the entire transaction process can be very complicated to people that are unfamiliar with the system.

The system needs to be as easy to use as any other gaming system

We believe that this is an unacceptable barrier to using blockchain gaming. Simply put, these problems do not exist in non-blockchain solutions, so if we are to use blockchain in Hash Rush, we need a way to solve the problems.

Our solution to this problem is to create the RUSH Network, of which the Hash Rush Wallet Service is a part of. Work on this network began when RUSH was originally created and since then we have been actively developing it and adding in new features.

Now that we are moving to beta, we will be deploying the Hash Rush Wallet Service (HRWS) which is the core of our solution to the problems mentioned earlier. Initially the HRWS will cover only the most needed features, but over time we will be adding more to it — jump to the bottom of the article to see what our future plans are.

Looking to the future, we will begin work on the RUSH Network 2 stage (we are currently in RUSH Network stage 1) which will see the tokenization of the in-game assets. As the blockchain world is constantly evolving, the RUSH Network will evolve as well as we strive to bring you the latest and greatest features.

Our goal will always be to create a user-friend, secure and scalable way for players to enjoy Hash Rush and trade their in-game assets between each other!

RUSH Coin for all!

How does the Hash Rush Wallet Service work?

Under the hood, the HRWS is a typical Ethereum wallet and is connected to both the game database and the blockchain.

When a player joints the game, they will be given a special game wallet that is connected to the HRWS (the way that we have set it up is that for now it can only store RUSH.)

However, the game wallet is not directly connected to the blockchain, instead it is connected to the blockchain via the HRWS.

This means that when in-game, all RUSH transitions between game wallets are essentially regular game transactions and so players have the full benefits of transactions being free, instant, and easy to do.

What the HRWS does is monitor all of the transactions and keep a regular database of all the RUSH in the game and what is moved around (just like all other games).

The blockchain side of things triggers under this condition:

  • When a player earns or buys RUSH the HRWS will mint the RUSH Coin and store it in the main Hash Rush Wallet and a record is made on how much RUSH the player has.
  • When the player wants to withdraw RUSH from the game to their own private wallet, the HRWS will verify the amount of RUSH that the player owns, then if all flags are green, it will initiate the blockchain transaction, moving the player’s RUSH from the game wallet to the player’s private wallet.

This way, when the players use RUSH in-game, they are not actually transferring RUSH between wallets, just between the game’s database. This also helps us to protect against double spending and to limit the actual supply of RUSH in the ecosystem.

What’s more, as the HRWS is our system, we are able to let our players transfer RUSH from their game wallet to their private wallet without paying the traditional gas price.

This is why we say that if you do not want to touch blockchain elements, you can ignore it as on the face of it the system will look and act the same as any other gaming system.

As we are still making sure that the system is secure and works properly, for the first two weeks (or something similar) of the beta, players will not be able to withdraw RUSH, only deposit it from their private wallets to the game. However, after two weeks (our estimate on when we’ll be satisfied that everything is ok) we will update the system to allow for withdrawal as well.

Purchasing RUSH — Introducing Hermeian Credits

In our last article, we mentioned that players will be able to buy RUSH from us (for a limited time) as we are laying the foundation for the future. Ultimately, this method will be removed as we aim for RUSH to be an open ecosystem, however we’ve had quite a few questions on how this will work and what the benefits are.

In order to provide our players with an easy to understand experience, we have created an intermediary currency (that is not a blockchain asset) called Hermeian Credits (HC).

Players will be able to buy Hermeian Credits directly on our website (and in-game) for regular money, then once they have HC, they will be able to use it to buy RUSH.

As HC is built into the HRWS, it means that players will be able to buy and use RUSH instantly. This is because buying HC with regular money is just like all other online purchases (it is a tried, tested, fast, and secure system). Then as HC is connected to the HRWS, the process of purchasing RUSH with HC is again a fast and painless process as the RUSH that the player buys is automatically added to their game wallet, and the HRWS handles the blockchain side in the background.

Transferring RUSH in and out of Hash Rush (Looking to the future)

As RUSH is a blockchain token, players will ultimately be able to take the RUSH out of the game, or they may want to transfer their own RUSH from existing wallets into the game so that they can use it.

To do this, they will need to interact with the blockchain directly. Though this can sound daunting, we’ve tried to make it as simple as possible.

To send RUSH to your Hash Rush account, the player simply needs to click on the ‘deposit RUSH’ button that is displayed with their game wallet. This will show the player their unique wallet address.

The player then sends the RUSH to their Hash Rush Wallet just like any other token. Do note that as this is a transaction from outside of Hash Rush to Hash Rush, this will be a regular Ethereum transaction, so there will still be a transaction fee (gas) and a waiting time for the transaction to be confirmed.

Withdrawing is pretty much the same, you can send your RUSH from your Hash Rush hot wallet to any other wallet, or you can use your cold wallet on other services directly. We will cover the Eth transaction cost, however players will pay a fee in RUSH.

The HRWS will help us create a properly functioning blockchain gamine

Benefits of our System

We’re sure that you’d like to know directly what the benefits of this system would be, so let’s list them our as simply as possible:

  1. Players can use RUSH in-game without having to pay gas, or wait for transaction fees.
  2. Players can exchange their hard currency with Hermeian Credits instantly (like all other gaming purchases) and then they can instantly convert their Hermeian Credits to RUSH, eliminating any waiting times.
  3. Players can withdraw and deposit RUSH to their game account(s) in a secure and user friendly way. Where needed, we will provide all of the information to them and can hold their hands throughout the entire process.

Limitations of the early BETA

As we alluded to earlier, the start of the beta will have the HRWS, however it will not be entirely feature complete.

When we launch the soft beta, players will be able to deposit RUSH and use RUSH in the game exactly as we described. However withdrawing RUSH will only be activated after we are satisfied that the system works properly (this is for simple security purposes and we estimate will take about 2 weeks).

Looking to the future, we have several updates planned for the RUSH Network that we’ve split into phases.

Phase 1.2 will be a backend update that will introduce transaction batching.

Phase 1.3 will introduce a gas station to the HRWS that will allow players to transfer their RUSH from their private wallet to the game and even transfer RUSH from wallet to wallet, for free.

Phase 1.4 will allow players to trade ETH to RUSH in-game (only in 1 direction), and thanks to phase 1.3, the transaction fees will be payable in RUSH. In addition, they will be able to send Ethereum to their wallet.

Phase 1.5 will expand the blockchain features in the game in preparation for phase 1.6.

Phase 1.6 will see the launch of the game P2P marketplace allowing players to buy and sell their in-game items for RUSH directly in the game.

Once these phases are complete, we will begin work on the RUSH Network 2nd stage which will include the tokenization of the game assets, creating a truly open market ecosystem.

That brings us to the end of this article giving you a more detailed look at our blockchain solution and just as importantly, what our future plans are! Be sure to join our Discord server to chat with the team and the Hash Rush Community. If Discord is not your time, we’re also active on Telegram!



Hash Rush
VZ Games

An online sci-fi/fantasy RTS set in the fictional Hermeian galaxy.