Thank you to the Hash Rush soft BETA testers!

Hash Rush
VZ Games
Published in
3 min readSep 16, 2020

Dear Voyagers,

Today we want to take the time to thank you for being a part of the Hash Rush community!

The journey so far has been an amazing one and it could not have been possible without you, so this goes out to you all.

The Importance of the Community

Though you probably know how important it is for a game to have a Soft beta launch, what you may not know is just how deep that goes.

When we launched the soft beta, we moved the game from our private servers to the AWS (Amazon Web Services) cloud servers and we needed the hard data to see how our game performs and what we needed to improve, naturally, this needed the game to be loaded up with as many players as possible so that we could really stress test everything.

It’s not just the players testing the game that was important, we also needed to test ourselves to make sure that our team is fully prepared to handle a game that is regularly updated — meeting deadlines, ensuring communication was smooth, and testing the patches rigorously were all important points that we needed to be sure that we were capable of handling!

Not only that, but the feedback that you all provided while helping us with the stress tests has been invaluable and we’ve been able to improve the game beyond our initial vision. Features like the improved Leaderboard challenge (an evolution from the Bounty Campaign system), the Combat balancing, and the multiple planet system, all have strong roots in feedback that we received.

And it’s not just improving the existing features, the community has been instrumental in helping us identify bugs by providing us with some extremely detailed reports!

What we’re trying to say is that Hash Rush is only in the stable position that is now thanks to you!

Fun Fact!
Our players are spread between 40 different countries and together have played 5,632 hours! That amounts to 234 days of gameplay!

Looking to the Future

Looking forward, we’ve still got some major changes and features to add in, the Combat AI and Phases of Resistance have both been redesigned (again the redesign was led by the community feedback).

The blockchain integration has been announced and then improved based on the feedback from our blockchain enthusiasts, so we are now working hard to finish the first implementation in the game itself.

Looking at everything, past, present, and future, the soft beta phase has been an excellent initial test of our game. We still have some way to go to improve it so that it really stands on its own two feet as a game, but that’s why we we’re in the soft beta phase — to stress test, monitor, and improve the game.

What does that mean? It means that Hash Rush has had an excellent start, but this is just the stress testing phase, much more amazing features are on their way for you to enjoy!



Hash Rush
VZ Games

An online sci-fi/fantasy RTS set in the fictional Hermeian galaxy.