The Two Best Tools to Increase Your Productivity

Colleen Valles
2 min readDec 20, 2017


Ah, the beauty of a blank page … Photo by Jan Kahánek on Unsplash

If you are a creative person and you want to get organized and increase your productivity, there are two tools which, if used in conjunction, allow you limitless opportunities to organize your workflow and even to execute your work.

These tools are simple, yet magical. They are …

A pen and paper.

Or a pencil and paper, if you want to hedge your bets against mistakes. Either way, these analog tools give you the freedom to organize your life, take notes and remember things in any way that suits you.

Paper comes with no restrictions on how to use it. Portrait? Landscape? Lined, ruled, grid, plain? It doesn’t matter.

I mean, how many areas of your life are truly rule-free anymore? It’s a small thing, but it can be enough to get your creative juices flowing and to keep you on track.

As a writer, I still enjoy writing long-hand, usually with a fountain pen, and research bears out its benefit to my brain. I love the feel of paper, the weight of the pen in my hand, and over years as a reporter, I developed my own shorthand which makes writing pretty quick if I want it to be.

I use the Bullet Journal system to keep myself organized. My system includes a calendar; budget information; ideas for and drafts of stories, articles, blog posts and other writing; a master to-do list and my weekly and daily appointments and to-dos; shopping lists; notes from classes I take; lists of any kind; and more.

But that’s just what works for me. The beauty of pen and paper is that it’s simple — most people get over the learning curve early in life. It’s adaptable, too. You can use it in whatever way works for you, and part of the fun is the trial and error. (I should mention, I’m a planner geek at heart).

Find what works for you, give it a go, tweak as necessary, and watch your productivity skyrocket.

Go write it down!

How do you use pen and paper to stay organized?

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Colleen Valles

Helping businesses tell their stories of sustainability & resilience. Freelance writer. Fiction, fountain pens, and fancy tea cups.