5 news of charity from around the world

Egor Perezhogin
Published in
2 min readFeb 25, 2019

The W12 team has reviewed the most interesting things that happened in the industry over the course of the week.


The number of visitors to social canteens in Valencia has increased by 44%. 300 people receive free meals and access to bathrooms there every day. 70% of them are migrants. 30% are elderly Spaniards with no relatives. https://www.lasprovincias.es/valencia-ciudad/casa-caridad-alerta-aumento-pobreza-20190219150355-nt.html


Yandex launched a free online course — the School of Charitable Marketing. The course consists of 11 lessons and is intended for employees of non-profit organizations. The course will take about 10 days to complete. https://www.the-village.ru/village/city/news-city/342105-study-for-free


The Canadian Tax Agency (ARC) may revoke the status of a charity from a Montreal-based Jewish National Fund. There are suspicions that a substantial part of the donations were directed to cater to the needs of the Israeli army.



Blind runner Liang Xiaowei will perform the grandest marathon of his life to raise money for Hong Kong’s charity foundations. He will travel 2,500 kilometers from Beijing to Hong Kong in 35 days! https://www.hk01.com/社區專題/297480/2500公里挑戰-靠gps摸路-本港視障跑手下月由北京跑回香港


Imran Alray, ex-vice president of IT at the United Way of Massachusetts Bay, was caught stealing $6.7 million through a fake company. He worked for a charity organization remotely and received $179,000 as salary per year. http://www.thenonprofittimes.com/news-articles/indictment-in-6-7-million-it-fraud-at-charity/

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Egor Perezhogin
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Senior Project Manager & Chief Editor at Blockchain Startups | Credits, Promeθeus labs, W12