Crowdbuilding for real estate with W12

Published in
2 min readFeb 27, 2019

The W12 team is launching the Alpha-version of a platform for collective construction and secure real estate investments. The test version is already available at

With the help of our platform, investors will be able safely buy from 1m2. of real estate under construction anywhere in the world without leaving your home and without commissions. Transparency and honesty of transactions is provided by a blockchain protocol with the internal W12 Token.

All transactions are recorded in the blockchain. The smart contract blocks the invested funds and transfers them in stages (in small installments) to the real estate developer’s account. In order to receive a second installment for the implementation of the second stage of the construction roadmap, the real estate developer must implement the first stage. To receive the third installment, they must implement the second stage. And so on.

Examples of the stages of the construction roadmap:

1) Design and survey works

2) Obtaining a building permit

3) Land works

4) Purchase of materials for the construction of the foundation, etc.

The implementation of each phase is controlled by a smart contract. If the real estate developer does not comply with the stages of construction, then the investors will be able to return their money from the deposit.

In the upcoming articles, we will reveal more details about the project. Follow our news Tg, Fb, and Tw!

