World’s Richest Gamblers (Investors) — Making Billions With Mathematics

The stories of three mathematicians that beat the house and the market to earn $26 billion dollars.

Max Yamp
Web3 Labs


Mathematics is the language of the universe, and those who understand it can harness its power to make incredible fortunes. The world’s richest gamblers are those who have mastered the art of probability and used it to their advantage.

Whether it’s playing poker or investing in the stock market, these individuals have used their mathematical skills to make billions of dollars. And in many cases, they have done it without any inside information or influence on the economic scene.

People Lie, Numbers Don’t

So what makes mathematicians so powerful? It’s the ability to see patterns and relationships that others can’t. And in the world of gambling, those who can see these patterns and relationships are often the ones who come out on top. Let us look at a couple of examples of success stories:

Chris Ferguson

Chris Ferguson, a professional poker player and winner of over $9.6 million in prize money, is something of a legend in the casino world. But what many don’t know is that Ferguson is also a math genius, using…



Max Yamp
Web3 Labs

Building web3 and DeFi products. Writing about crypto and tokenomics. Founder of One Click Crypto