HCA partnering with Coordinated Care in potential new integrated care model for kids

Washington State Health Care Authority
HCA Connect
Published in
2 min readMar 20, 2019

Integrated care helps children and youth

The Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation announced a new model called Integrated Care for Kids (InCK). The InCK model is part of a strategy to fight the national opioid crisis. Its goal is to make positive health impacts and outcomes for kids covered by Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program through care coordination and integrated services.

InCK helps states and local communities address priority health concerns for children. This includes behavioral health challenges and social determinants connections, such as education and healthy food.

The integrated care model helps local communities address priority health concerns for children, including behavioral health, access to education and healthy food.

Funding opportunity

States can apply for funding to implement the InCK model in their state. Up to eight states will receive a maximum of $16 million each. The model will be a pilot in one geographic region, lasting seven years.

Part of InCK involves states working with a HIPAA-covered entity called the “lead organization.” If a state receives funding, the lead organization will partner with local communities and conduct activities to put the InCK model in place.

HCA’s apparently successful bidder

HCA chose Coordinated Care to serve as the lead organization and implementation partner, if Washington State receives funding. HCA will work closely with Coordinated Care to submit an application in June. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services may award funding as early as fall 2019.

Learn more about InCK.

Learn more about Healthier Washington.



Washington State Health Care Authority
HCA Connect

HCA is committed to whole-person care, purchasing health care for 2.5 million+ Washingtonians through Apple Health (Medicaid), PEBB, SEBB & COFA programs.