Leveling the playing field for people with disabilities

Washington State Health Care Authority
HCA Connect
Published in
2 min readApr 3, 2019

A living wage and a safe home are parts of American life often taken for granted. For people with disabilities, however, it can be a very different story. Washington’s Pathways program is changing that story.

WA Pathways to Employment (P2E) is a web-based toolkit for people with disabilities, ages 16–64. Washington State launched it in 2011 with federal funding. To-date, P2E has served over 1 million Washingtonians.

The P2E website contains interactive tools to help people make work-related decisions, remove barriers, alleviate fear, and provide motivation.

Interactive decision-making tools help people:

  • Investigate work options in light of personal circumstances.
  • Understand how to keep medical benefits while working.
  • Learn skills (budgeting, resume-writing, continuing education, finding jobs near home, etc.)
  • Find resources for veterans, youth in transition, and ex-offenders, etc.

Based on the success of P2E, in 2018, the state rolled out WA Pathways to Housing (P2H). It’s too early to report results, but response has been encouraging.

Interested in learning more about the Foundational Community Supports program? Sign up for Foundations, our monthly email newsletter.

Pathways is funded by the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services and the Health Care Authority.

Note: Peer counselors and others, please share these online brochures with your clients, and anyone who might benefit: P2E, P2H.



Washington State Health Care Authority
HCA Connect

HCA is committed to whole-person care, purchasing health care for 2.5 million+ Washingtonians through Apple Health (Medicaid), PEBB, SEBB & COFA programs.