Day 1. Sweathead (Aussie) Summer Camp 2021/2022

Mihaela Petre
Wacky Way
Published in
2 min readDec 23, 2021

Hi there, I’m Miki. Welcome to my musings.

Today 22/12/2021 I sat down and restarted Mark Pollard’s strategy summer camp because the first version of the Sweathead platform is expiring in June 2022.

If, like me, you’re a strategist looking for a community of likeminded people, check out the Facebook group. It’s cool.

I’m writing here as a commitment to practice perseverance and up my grit levels by showing up. In Tick, Tick…Boom Jonathan Larson gets the advice to write what he knows.

I intend to finish this camp by May 22, 2022. So here goes.

This is a journal entry in the public eye of anybody who cares to look. I’m documenting my experience with this course. It is an accountability tool.

In today’s lesson, I defined my version of “freaking out”, I mapped my verbs, identified my noun (between employee, entrepreneur, or artist), figured out “what is messy in my world” (my mind and process) and identified some communities that matter to me (children, women, the company I work for, the communications community of practice).

I came up with a few ideas bringing those aspects together. Writing this journal is the one I am acting upon.

I also watched these three videos after wondering, before even starting the lesson, about the meaning of number two and going down a numerology rabbit hole for about an hour.

Here are the videos, in poetic sequence:

It’s good to be weird.

From mess comes what’s next.

Sit. Fucking. Still.

Write right.

‘Till next practice, peace out 🙌



Mihaela Petre
Wacky Way

Strategist mapping the world one day at a time. Learning how to think, sing, act & play bass. Building a safe space for wackiness.