Helping feed Washington’s children

Inside the Women, Infants & Children program


Hi, I’m Troy Parks. I work in the Office of Nutrition Services. I’m the provider of services section manager. I’ve been with DOH for three and a half years, and my section, we are responsible for monitoring vendors that contract with the WIC (Women, Infants & Children) program to provide services to our clients. And we also do monitoring and compliance activities of WIC clinics.

The typical work activities that we do in our office, we go out and do monitoring of grocery stores. We like to make sure that they’re adhering to our program rules and that they have the foods and services that our clients so desperately need. We also go out and do monitoring of our WIC clinics to make sure that they understand the program rules.

Favorite part of my job is actually meeting with our staff and troubleshooting on finding solutions to some of the problems that we face in this program.

[on screen text] Hobbies?

I love to garden, I’m a master gardener and so I spend a lot of my time on weekends doing gardening. I have six chickens and two dogs. The dogs and chickens, they actually kiss each other sometimes, yeah.

[on screen text] Your one food on a deserted island?

One food. Well you know, I’ve been asked this question before and I think if I had one item I can take with me, it would probably be black pepper ’cause you can do so much with it. You can do some savory dishes and you know, I’ll probably even find a dessert to use.

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