How Letting Go Moves You Forward

The pandemic has shed light on the severity and prevalence of existing mental health conditions in the U.S. — giving behavioral health and well-being a much-needed, new context.

Whether you’re personally struggling or not, it’s likely you know someone who is. About 1 in 5 Americans experiences some form of mental illness in any given year, and according to the experts that number has grown since the pandemic. Despite the prevalence, it can be difficult to know how to best support yourself and others who are struggling. Having honest discussions with people you trust and educating yourself is an important first step in bringing compassion, awareness and openness to this national crisis.

As we move through Mental Health Awareness Month, we are focusing on the concept, “Release.” This word can mean many different things to many people, but one of the most important aspects of this word is related to our perception of control.

As humans, we tend to believe we can control many, if not all, parts of our lives. The pandemic illustrated that we can’t control everything, and that no matter what we could have done differently, it wouldn’t have changed the outcome. This doesn’t mean you don’t get to make choices, but it does mean that by releasing some control (even a tiny bit) and being open to “going with the flow,” you may be able to release some of the struggle you feel.

If you catch yourself trying to control a situation there are some small, accessible ways to help take yourself out of the cycle. Keep in mind that even a momentary shift can have lasting positive effects.

  1. Notice Your Surroundings

Close your eyes for a second, and upon opening them look around and name five things you see. This can be as simple as a tree, couch, TV, whatever is in front of you. By doing this you are bringing yourself into the present moment. Continue naming your environment until you feel calmer.

2. Breathe

You’ve likely heard this tip before, but it really can help ease stress in the moment. If you are focusing on the movement of your breath in and out of your body, it’s almost impossible to think about other things. To practice: take a slow, deep breath in and hold for four seconds. Slowly release the breath and repeat the cycle four times, or until you feel at ease.

3. Have Gratitude

This is another common practice for shifting negative thoughts and emotions. If you’re giving thanks, it’s sending your brain the signal that all is well. When you find yourself in a negative thought pattern, begin listing — in your head, out loud or on paper — three (or more) things you are grateful for. It can be as simple as giving thanks for your eyes, ears or nose.

Even though Mental Health Awareness Month is coming to a close, it doesn’t mean mental health disorders are going away. The most important thing you can do for yourself and those around you is to monitor your mental and emotional wellbeing. Even small shifts and changes can make a significant long-term difference in your overall health and happiness.

If you need someone to talk to about stress due to COVID-19, call Washington Listens at 1–833–681–0211 for support.

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Answers to your questions or concerns about COVID-19 in Washington state may be found at our website. You can also contact the Department of Health call center at 1–800–525–0127 and press # from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday, and 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday — Sunday and observed state holidays.

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