Immediate Support & Long-term Solutions: Public Health & Holistic Housing Services with Michael B. Bailey

March Public Health Spotlight


This month’s Public Health Spotlight is Michael B. Bailey, President and CEO of Compass Housing Alliance and a State Commissioner on the Washington Medical Commission. A passionate advocate for affordable and accessible housing in the Puget Sound region, Michael demonstrates a holistic approach to public health that addresses the needs of whole people and communities. Read on to learn more about his work and commitment to public service.

What got you interested in public health?

My journey into public health was sparked by a desire to improve protections for underserved and low-to-moderate-income communities, particularly during times of crisis. This spark of interest, unfortunately, came as a result of my own personal crisis where my youngest sibling was misdiagnosed with skin cancer. This experience not only highlighted the importance of competent medical professionals but also underscored the critical need for accessible second opinions. My family was able to learn of the misdiagnosis early, which allowed us to discontinue treatment early, but we were only able to do so because we had the resources to pursue a second opinion.

Many families, unfortunately, lack the resources to challenge or seek confirmation for medical diagnoses. The realization of this gap shifted my career path away from medicine, which had long been a dream of mine, towards advocating for the health and well-being of underserved populations. Doing so affords me an opportunity to ensure families like mine have access to the same support and opportunities that many believe to be reserved for the privileged few.

Can you tell us about your work?

As the President and CEO of Compass Housing Alliance, I am honored to lead a nonprofit with a century-long history of providing essential services to those facing housing insecurity and/or homelessness. Our approach combines immediate support — like mail services, banking, hot showers, and laundry — with long-term solutions, including emergency shelter and permanent supportive housing. Our enhanced shelters offer safe havens with round-the-clock support and intensive case management to assist individuals in their transition from the streets to stable housing.

In response to escalating rents and living costs, we also provide affordable housing solutions for eligible families and individuals, including specialized offerings for seniors, formerly homeless individuals, and low-income families. Our commitment to fostering diverse, healthy communities through innovative housing solutions extends to military veterans, providing them with tailored programs to address their unique challenges post-service. With over 20 properties, 700 affordable housing units, and 300 emergency shelter beds, Compass Housing Alliance stands at the forefront of developing inclusive housing initiatives in the Puget Sound region.

In addition to those efforts, I also serve as a State Commissioner on the Washington Medical Commission.

What’s one accomplishment you’re particularly proud of?

I’m proud to work for an organization that champions the belief that everyone deserves a home. A testament to this belief is the investment our team continues to make in the support needed to turn this belief into reality. An example of this effort is the partnership we’ve crafted with the University of Washington School of Nursing. The University of Washington School of Nursing has been partnering with Compass Housing Alliance since 2015. Throughout our partnership with the University of Washington, we have collaborated on a series of research projects focusing on identifying the health needs of those over the age of 55 who were experiencing homelessness. These projects have gathered information on how aging disproportionately impacts the cognitive health of individuals who have experienced housing instability. Our collaborative work was recently published in a special edition of The Gerontologist.

Currently, we are partnering on a five-year project studying the impact of physical and mental health by embedding a Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP) within Permanent Supportive Housing. Additionally, the PMHNP is partnered with an advanced practice nursing student for 20 weeks. Having the PMHNP work on-site within the service team allows for rapport to be established in the most organic and authentic manner. The PMHNP is part of the full care team, which in turn creates a more informed team when working with those living with severe disabilities and mental health needs. Many of our residents who have not been willing to engage with mental health services have started treatment with our PMHNP simply due to the relationship and trust established by working on-site and being part of the care team. This improvement creates hope for our continued efforts to house our sheltered and unsheltered neighbors!

Healthy communities have

affordable and accessible housing for all.

What’s one piece of advice you have for someone wanting to pursue a life in public health?

My advice to anyone drawn to public health is to dedicate time to understanding your “why,” which most can easily discover by unearthing your gift. Each of us is called to contribute something unique to the world. For some, it’s through art or music; for others, it’s the ability to replenish joy and hope. For me, it’s about restoring time. By fighting battles that no one should have to face alone, I can liberate individuals from an otherwise costly and time-consuming fight for basic rights. This affords those same individuals the opportunity and time to focus on their families, passions, and well-being. Identifying and pursuing your “why” will guide you towards making a similar impact. The value added by going into public health is the support you’re sure to receive from other champions of health.

What’s your favorite place in Washington state?

My favorite journey in Washington is the drive through Stevens Pass. It’s a spiritual experience for me, blending breathtaking natural beauty with moments of reflection and prayer. This drive offers a movie-like backdrop for strategic planning and connection, all while centering my mind and soul.

Where can people find you or your organization?

Washington has a once-in-a-century opportunity to fill a much-needed gap and create a foundation for health and wellness to thrive. We as a community can do this through creating accessible and affordable housing for all. We welcome support and engagement from the community as Compass Housing steps up to answer the call for more housing. For more information about Compass Housing, our services, and volunteer opportunities, please visit our website at Here, you’ll find comprehensive resources on how we’re addressing homelessness and housing insecurity, and how you can contribute to these life-altering efforts.

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